POTATO TV (IPTV Stalker addon)

Gets better and better. Thanks again Sir. Maybe dumb question but is it possible to enter your repo "http" address directly into File Manager and add source in Kodi. I have a non jailbroken IOS device with Kodi, and want to get your addon on there. Or only works by downloading zip? Hope that makes sense. Works awesome on Jailbroken IPad and NvidiaTV. Thanks Again.
Gets better and better. Thanks again Sir.

wow! Your politeness is impressive! I like it!
thank you mate :)

is it possible to enter your repo "http" address directly into File Manager and add source in Kodi.

if you're talking about a server like the one used by SUPEREPO (http://srp.nu)
I'm afraid you won't have it

I'm hosting my files using the free-service of github
and it will require some resources & adjustments to make it runs like an FTP server
Maybe someday, but not now
Sorry mate

I have a non jailbroken IOS device with Kodi, and want to get your addon on there. Or only works by downloading zip? Hope that makes sense.

I think you could download my file with your non jailbroken device's browser

you could still download my file with any different device/gadget
then you could re-upload it into your own dropbox folder or your own iCloud
then you can download it with your non jailbroken device using dropbox client

or you could also use SAMBA / AFS / DLNA to create your own sharing local host

but I think, either browser or dropbox is the easiest way


ADP0361 said:
Works awesome on Jailbroken IPad and NvidiaTV. Thanks Again.

anytime mate
please let me know if you find any bugs/issues
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Well guy mine was working find until the last update now am getting this error [ local variable 'name' referenced before assignment ] i delete pvr cache it work for a while the it appear again the only way it goes it top generate a new token everytime any help am on jarvis 16.1
Guide now operational for me! Thanks for holding my hand thru it..

the "stubborn boy" is back lol
welcome aboard mate

Awesome Bro Kodi addons can be a bitch to get configured info sticks in the devices that should have emptied out....Lots of wonderful ppl in this thread that are more than happy to pass off there experiences to help others Glad its working Iskikguy :D


let's sing the potato anthem

Well guy mine was working find until the last update now am getting this error [ local variable 'name' referenced before assignment ] i delete pvr cache it work for a while the it appear again the only way it goes it top generate a new token everytime any help am on jarvis 16.1

hmmm... I think I know where your issue came from (not sure)

I won't fix it until you tell me:

  1. your portal
  2. your account type
  3. the channel(s) with error

if you found any issue regarding to my addon,
you should post all of your questions here in this thread only

all question in other threads will be ignored!

and please learn how to use the magic word

You're not being forced to install my addon (you don't have to pay anything to use it)


I'm not anyone's employee, so please don't act like my damn boss :p

the "stubborn boy" is back lol
welcome aboard mate


let's sing the potato anthem

hmmm... I think I know where your issue came from (not sure)

I won't fix it until you tell me:

  1. your portal
  2. your account type
  3. the channel(s) with error

sorry am on http://iptv66.com/

portal : s1.iptv66.tv
my account : am using mac with donation number
channel with error : well all channels pop up like that but if i generate a new token it work find for around 5 minute then that pop comes back to all channels ( vod is working fine) thanks
Sorry I started a new thread but see you would like all questions contained in this thread.
First, thank you for the work on this, it looks pretty slick so thought I would give it a go but I am obviously doing something wrong to install it. I end up with the standard message that the addon installed but then it is immediately followed with an error message and to check the log for more info. I dont have pic posting permissions (not enough rep points I guess) so I can't show a pic of the log file but among other text a line says "IOError: (2, 'No such file or directory /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.potatoTV/foreign" and then the screen is cut off and cant see anymore of the log text. Im assuming a necessary file doesnt exist.
So, my setup is a Mygica 1900 running android 5.1 and Kodi 17.1. I have used Stalker in the past for LiveTV but for the last few months have been using the MagTV STB Emu and Perfect Player.
To install Potato I tried adding the repo as a new source but it didnt load anything so I downloaded the repo directly and installed the repo from the zip. I then attempt to add the Potato addon but get the error message. I have tried the install several times with different configurations ie PVR IPTV Simple Client enabled, all PVR clients disabled, cleared data and rebooted after each change to the config but still nothing. I made sure Kodi is updated but nada. Obviously Im missing something which is probably pretty obvious but for the life of me cant see it. Any thoughts? Is the repo not installing in the right directory? Thanks again for the support on this and any assistance is greatly appreciated!
thanks for your hard work awsome addon it makes everything easy to use for the iptv service great job

anytime mate :)

thanks for the appreciation

if you need any donation let me know am willing to donate

please don't get me wrong mate :)

as I said before: you don't have to pay me anything to use my addon
I started this project only to fulfill one of my hobbies

i don't intend to earn any profit from it

just showing a little respect & appreciations would be enough for me
Awesome Bro Kodi addons can be a bitch to get configured info sticks in the devices that should have emptied out....Lots of wonderful ppl in this thread that are more than happy to pass off there experiences to help others Glad its working Iskikguy :D

Thanks from a fellow Stoner420 (for 50 years)
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I've been getting it too.. on Portal 2, on Showtime Next(and a few others), on a MAC type account. More of this error on Simple Client, so I've switched to Potato

Error is only very intermittent, a channel may have it, but the next time you play that channel it is OK. Just keep trying, and it goes away.

NOW getting the following error, solidly on Showtime Extreme.. 'nonetype' object is not iterable'. Clearing cache fixed the error.
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sorry am on http://iptv66.com/

portal : s1.iptv66.tv
my account : am using mac with donation number
channel with error : well all channels pop up like that but if i generate a new token it work find for around 5 minute then that pop comes back to all channels ( vod is working fine) thanks

I've been getting it too.. on Portal 2, on Showtime Next(and a few others), on a MAC type account. More of this error on Simple Client, so I've switched to Potato

Error is only very intermittent, a channel may have it, but the next time you play that channel it is OK. Just keep trying, and it goes away.

weird! I was trying to simulate the same process (using the same portal & the same acc. type and running the pvr simple without vpn)
but I have not got the same issue as yours for almost 2 hours



yep! maybe you may have to use your o/s filemanager to remove all caches completely in


yep! the log file would be so helpful

Sorry I started a new thread but see you would like all questions contained in this thread.
First, thank you for the work on this, it looks pretty slick so thought I would give it a go but I am obviously doing something wrong to install it. I end up with the standard message that the addon installed but then it is immediately followed with an error message and to check the log for more info. I dont have pic posting permissions (not enough rep points I guess) so I can't show a pic of the log file but among other text a line says "IOError: (2, 'No such file or directory /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.potatoTV/foreign" and then the screen is cut off and cant see anymore of the log text. Im assuming a necessary file doesnt exist.

no problem mate :)

btw, which version of addon are you running?

as I recall, I've already fixed all the missing path issues in my latest addon


So, my setup is a Mygica 1900 running android 5.1 and Kodi 17.1. I have used Stalker in the past for LiveTV but for the last few months have been using the MagTV STB Emu and Perfect Player.
To install Potato I tried adding the repo as a new source but it didnt load anything so I downloaded the repo directly and installed the repo from the zip. I then attempt to add the Potato addon but get the error message. I have tried the install several times with different configurations ie PVR IPTV Simple Client enabled, all PVR clients disabled, cleared data and rebooted after each change to the config but still nothing. I made sure Kodi is updated but nada. Obviously Im missing something which is probably pretty obvious but for the life of me cant see it. Any thoughts? Is the repo not installing in the right directory?

the fastest way to install my repo is by installing it from the zip
then you can install the potatoTv addon thru' the repo itself

I suggest you to follow the tutorial by kens

yep! it's still based on the first version of my addon
but most the basic steps are still the same

Thanks again for the support on this and any assistance is greatly appreciated!

all your appreciations will be appreciated too mate
thank you
v1.1.0-r3 (2017/05/02)

Minor changes:
  • fixing the cache system (pvr issue)


this update fix the error i was having this error (local variable 'name' referenced before assignment ) but now this one appear the one in the picture on all channels it get fix went i clear pvr cache a generate a new token but once i change channel it comes up again


portal : s1.iptv66.tv
my account : am using mac with donation number
channel with error : all
VOD : is working fine
My log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24499665/
My box : Rasberry pi 3
kodi jarvis 16.1

i gave as much info if needed hope it helps thanks for your great support and addon


this update fix the error i was having this error (local variable 'name' referenced before assignment ) but now this one appear the one in the picture on all channels it get fix went i clear pvr cache a generate a new token but once i change channel it comes up again


portal : s1.iptv66.tv
my account : am using mac with donation number
channel with error : all
VOD : is working fine
My log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24499665/
My box : Rasberry pi 3
kodi jarvis 16.1

i gave as much info if needed hope it helps thanks for your great support and addon



Try this should fix it

Disable Live Tv
Clear Live Tv Data
Clear Guide Data
Go to the SImple Client PVR
default the info for that as well
Clear Cache Purge Packages Clear thumbs
Exit and Reload Kodi

Go to potato tv enter your personal info and select vipers guide option
Select your local time zone
Ensure live tv is working via the addon
Once it is Then click the button to setup pvr
Clear Cache Purge Packages Clear Thumbs
Exit and Reload Kodi
Enable Live Tv
this update fix the error i was having this error (local variable 'name' referenced before assignment ) but now this one appear the one in the picture on all channels it get fix went i clear pvr cache a generate a new token but once i change channel it comes up again


portal : s1.iptv66.tv
my account : am using mac with donation number
channel with error : all
VOD : is working fine
My log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24499665/
My box : Rasberry pi 3
kodi jarvis 16.1

i gave as much info if needed hope it helps thanks for your great support and addon

thanks for the details

honestly, it's hard for me to seek the error like yours,
because I haven't got one since the first test :confused:

and unfortunately,
your log doesn't tell us anything about my addon "plugin://plugin.video.potatoTV" either

I would ask you to:
  1. turn on: the system | settings | system | logging | ENABLE DEBUG LOGGING
  2. quit & restart kodi
  3. repeat the whole process until you get the sama error

then send me these 2 files: PRIVATELY
  1. the log file
  2. the channels' cache file Kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.potatoTV/[your_portal]/channels.json

you should also choose a channel which also works (watchable) in the video addon e.g. HBO EAST HD
the UK channels seems down ATM



Thanks for the help mate :)
I really do need all supports coz I can't handle all the issues by myself



I've just check the same channel as your screenshot (DISNEY XD HD)
and it's also working too with my pvr

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