As I said before the problem is in the link they are .ts no problems in the addon as people say a video speaks more than a thousand words i use 1 channel of usa and one spanish the 2 stopped after few seconds I thought the maintenance was to get a good m3u but no it stay the same jajajaj
okay... challenge accepted... hahaha!
I also made a 10 minutes video recording of 3 channels :
- 1 channel (CNN US HD) was played in the video mode with F4M Tester
- 2 channels (WAPA & WAPA2) were played in the pvr mode with F4M Tester + IPTV Simple Plugin Player
my video can prove your pre-mature conclusion is totally wrong!
you will see that all of your issues didn't happen on my side... not even a video lag or buffering
all channels will be stopped normally, only if I press the stop/back button
and I'm not running any VPN service
if you have any problem with the F4M Tester,
you should contact shani_08 @ and tell him about your issues completely
(I'm just a lucky blind messanger here lol)