POTATO TV (IPTV Stalker addon)

I run on Potato TV using Portal 2 on a MAC/Donation. I save my Favorite channels from Potato into the Superfavorites addon, and play these channels via the On-Tapp tv guide..

All of my channels saved from Potato to Superfavorites are failing to play in On-tap TV with the error 401 Unauthorized. this started after the last Potato update. This morning,
I re-linked all my channels again manually, and many channels were playing OK. Now, 2 hours later, I find they all play giving the error 401. Many play OK in the Potato addon itself.
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I run on Potato TV using Portal 2 on a MAC/Donation. I save my Favorite channels from Potato into the Superfavorites addon, and play these channels via the On-Tapp tv guide..

All of my channels saved from Potato to Superfavorites are failing to play in On-tap TV with the error 401 Unauthorized. this started after the last Potato update. This morning,
I re-linked all my channels again manually, and many channels were playing OK. Now, 2 hours later, I find they all play giving the error 401. Many play OK in the Potato addon itself.

Running through brief chs the Unauth msg seems to appear on the UK channels......Some USA as well such as Discov USA.....Think there STILL doing maitence on the backend unfortunately.
Thanks broski !!!! your appreciation is appreciated. But really I should be thanking you this addon has done everything I could have asked for and then some

Happy to Help fello Potato Heads :p

you stole my favourite quote: your appreciation is appreciated

I run on Potato TV using Portal 2 on a MAC/Donation. I save my Favorite channels from Potato into the Superfavorites addon, and play these channels via the On-Tapp tv guide..

1. PVR Simple Client ... All channels will not load via the Channel Manager

2. .All of my channels saved from Potato to Superfavorites are failing to play in On-tap TV with the error 401 Unauthorized. this started after the last Potato update. This morning,
I re-linked all my channels again manually, and many channels were playing OK. Now, 2 hours later, I find they all play giving the error 401. Many play OK in the Potato addon itself.

the Donation + MAC account will not work with kodi's favourites/bookmarks

because you have to frequently refresh its token to get a new password

if you insist to have any channels, you have to change your account to Donation Only which uses the same donation # for both id & password

401 error?
the similar error with 403 & 404,
they tell you that the channel is being down ATM

if you're using the donation only account,
you will get the same error if you play it with any other player, e.g. vlc
I relinked all 31 channels again, and reset them them On-Tapp. The channels that are not down are playing OK now. This was working fine till the last update.

I've been using this setup for years with no ill effects till the last update. Have done clear cache with new token many times with no problem.

Copied all my favorite channels from PVR Simple Client... Seems to be OK for now
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I relinked all 31 channels again, and reset them them On-Tapp. The channels that are not down are playing OK now. This was working fine till the last update.

I've been using this setup for years with no ill effects till the last update. Have done clear cache with new token many times with no problem.

Question... will I get less problems if instead of saving the channels from Potato save them from PVR Simple Client?

Next question... How do I change the account to Donation only??

For now.. I saved all my favorite channels through PVR Simple Client instead of Potato. Seems to be working fine for now.
@stoner420 i follow does step still had the problem i did a fresh instalation of kodi and potato tv but the problem continue also thanks for the help i will now follow @couchpotato log step to see if that help me out

what is the "log step"?
and where is the log file?

For now.. I saved all my favorite channels through PVR Simple Client instead of Potato. Seems to be working fine for now.

the m3u file generated by potato addon is based on the dynamic links
which can perform the auto-refresh for a new token when the prev. one lose its session

if you compare these cache files: channels.json vs potato.m3u
you will see that the channels.json uses static links,
which can't be saved into favourites list
Again ... just wanted to say thank you. Before Potato, for years we only had the Stalker Lite addon to access KODI. The Lite addon had no repo, and NEVEER made an update. It was what it was.
But since you built your Potato empire, you have created an invaluable service to this community. You've created a repo to manage and solve every problem or issue posted on your
thread. Your knowledge and insight have given much confidence to rookie users who post here. You also have developed the utmost patience in following a users problem step by step till you find a conclusion.

@couchpotato sorry i mean this step you told me to do

I would ask you to:

  1. turn on: the system | settings | system | logging | ENABLE DEBUG LOGGING
  2. quit & restart kodi
  3. repeat the whole process until you get the sama error

then send me these 2 files: PRIVATELY

  1. the log file
  2. the channels' cache file Kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.potatoTV/[your_portal]/channels.json

my english is bad sorry
thanks for the details

honestly, it's hard for me to seek the error like yours,
because I haven't got one since the first test :confused:

and unfortunately,
your log doesn't tell us anything about my addon "plugin://plugin.video.potatoTV" either

I would ask you to:
  1. turn on: the system | settings | system | logging | ENABLE DEBUG LOGGING
  2. quit & restart kodi
  3. repeat the whole process until you get the sama error

then send me these 2 files: PRIVATELY
  1. the log file
  2. the channels' cache file Kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.potatoTV/[your_portal]/channels.json

you should also choose a channel which also works (watchable) in the video addon e.g. HBO EAST HD
the UK channels seems down ATM



Thanks for the help mate :)
I really do need all supports coz I can't handle all the issues by myself


@couchpotato i have pm you the files with the error thanks


as a King, I will present this song as the national anthem

Again ... just wanted to say thank you. Before Potato, for years we only had the Stalker Lite addon to access KODI. The Lite addon had no repo, and NEVEER made an update. It was what it was.
But since you built your Potato empire, you have created an invaluable service to this community. You've created a repo to manage and solve every problem or issue posted on your
thread. Your knowledge and insight have given much confidence to rookie users who post here. You also have developed the utmost patience in following a users problem step by step till you find a conclusion.


wow! Thank you for your politeness :)

I like it and I will give you a special gift in my next release (v1.1.1)


a new language filter for the pvr
(yes! I peeked your other thread lol)

@couchpotato i have pm you the files with the error thanks

thanks for sending me the complete files of your settings & caches
they really helped me to simulate the same process
I finally got the same error as yours (NoneType' object is not iterable) lol

and I got the culprit and I've resolved the error
I will include the patch in my next release (v1.1.1)

Tris addons works with Apple TV 4 ??

I don't have the apple tv
but I think all of the kodi addons (multi-platform, python based) will work on your device
A new update

What a far out video!!

Re: the PVR language filter.. will the setting in Potato affect the viewing in PVR Simple Client??

v1.1.1 (2017/05/03)

  • fixing the cache system ("NoneType' object is not iterable" pvr issue)
  • fixing the adult contents protector

  • adding a new filter: LANGUAGE FILTER for PVR



  1. disable the live-tv
  2. clear all tv + epg data
  3. run the potatoTV settings
  4. choose your preferred language for PVR (ENGLISH, FOREIGN or ALL)
  5. you may also enable or disable the adult contents
  6. save the settings
  7. run the CLEAR CACHES & generate a new token
  8. run the auto-settings for PVR
  9. you may quit & restart the Kodi
  10. enable the live-tv

Can you please tell me how to add your add on on a kodi fire stick , when I try to add your above link as a source and then install from zip ..it comes out blank ? Am I doing something wrong?..thanks
Thanks for the addon .... much appreciated. I'm using your latest version v1.1.1 (2017/05/03) but I can't seem to figure out how to make the guide numbering load from the backend. In the tweakings that option is greyed out. I'm running kodi 16.1. Thanks for any help.
I was able to get it to work ..simple client works but no guide...I followed the steps to clear cash and everything but no guide...any other suggestions or am I missing any other settings? I'm running kodi. 17.1