Have internet and ethernet

Okay, here goes. I finally got firmware r9 to download and it rebooted to inner portal then blue window came up with saying my present version is r9 and it is automatically rebooting the r10 then rebooted again, I did the setup again with 1.iptvprivateserver.tv rebooted did the settings in main menu. Still get nothing. Went to inner portal to try youtube as I was asked to do in a previous post. It came on with but vocal was in and out. could not understand it. Also I noticed when loading from reboot it does not say loading to nand. BTW the video still says file missing and tv channels don't come in. I still have internet and ethernet.
[BI want you to have 1.iptvprivateserver.tv on line2 of portal 1, nothing else on any other line or portal..In your settings I want you to disable auto update and choose the notify with confirmation option, choose no to beta files. There were a couple of reports of peeps having trouble connecting with r10 that is why I want you to get set up first with r9
told you, use with confirmation on auto update and choose off for beta files....this means you will be notified of any updates when in the inner portal and you won't get beta files to test
after you go back to inner portal, go to settings and update, when offered the choice use r9, if you have done what I asked for in regards to updating, it won't auto up to r10...easypeasy
I have an appt I must keep now, so someone else will have to help you...I strongly suggest you look through all your menus and use the menu guide found at botton right of inner portal to learn how to navigate your box, thks
I managed to get r9 firmware back and I have changed update from allow to with confirmation. I am still. not getting tv channels or video club, "says file missing." It works on youtube in inner portal but the vocal part of it is in and out. Picture is good. Surely someone has had this prob before. I still need help. BTW I did read the menu guide in inner portal but it doesn't tell me why I am not getting any channels.
I hope someone online can help me get my 254 to working. KoolKat had to leave and no one has stepped up to the plate yet to assist me. Is there such a thing as having the wrong hdmi cable?