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All I said was that Dish Net stopped carrying that channel.

Nfps/rocket/66 will need to find a new source before they can bring it back.
lek na trądzik Dynamiczne kuracja trądziku wymaga wyeliminowania przyczyn powstawania zmian skórnych. Otwarte bez recepty tabletki na trądzik są w stanie pomóc tę walkę – ich skład czyni, iż oprócz usuwania dostrzegalnych gołym okiem objawów, demolują i przyczyny, hamując tym ciż formowanie dziewiczych wyprysków i pryszczów.
i'm in a set-up button on my remote doesn't bring up the set-up page on my tv

and for some reason I can't set my the register my new wifi on the Ip either ...i'm using a IM mag 254
Mvas great guide, I need your help as my guide is 2 hours behind. I'm using the iptv66 stb on an invidia shield. Everything is working fine but I'm on Eastern standard Time and the guide is 2 hours behind. I hope you can help me.
Hello can you help me I placed my order last week and I do not recieved my danation yet
Hey bud I have another issue I have an optical cord connected from my mag 254 to my sound bar.Though when I play some VOD movies there is no sound, the optical screen window flashes. Though I have no issues when the Mag254 is in TV mode .I believe it may be an error on the settings though what settings I don't know were to look. Any direction to correct would be helpful .
Hola Marley me podrías ayudar tengo un problema con stb me sale bloqueado ya e hecho todo desde cambiar la mac restablecerla y poner el nuevo portal y sigo teniendo el mismo problema
What's up MVAS? Hope all is well. Anyway I have been using your STB emulator on my Nvidia shield TV box from day one that I got my sub from iptv66 and I've never had any problems with it. Yesterday I opened it up and everything was blank. No channels, logos anything. The only thing that worked was the VOD section. I came on here to see if there was a problem going on with the STB emulator and read that there's a new URL for iptv66? I have no problems opening it and I don't know if I should mess with the settings. Should I just wait it out until things get resolved? P.S a day later I opened it up and everything is there again. I came to you because you're the dev that gave this awesome apk a great overhaul with iptv66 were I only had to set my Mac addy and put it to ijk player and it just worked. I hope you can answer this question for me. Should I just leave it alone or should I go and reset my Mac and input the new URL I see floating around? Thank you
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Can't login did a lots of reading but none of it worked need a little help will not accept my login password