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Thanks - that's very kind of you. I am at work until 6:00 pm east coast time in the USA - would it be possible to do this around then? Also, I'm presuming its not locked to your MAC..
I have used the emulator in the past but also had issues with the guide not being right. That's why I changed back to using the Simple Client pvr. I'm on the East Coast as well and use America/Toronto for time zone. Have no issues with the epg.

What you can do in android though, if you really want to keep using it) is change the system time in android settings to GMT -4 and it should fix the guide. Did you change the localisation in the emulator settings to your proper location? I remember I had done that back when I was using it.

Hope this helps.
Hi expatter, do you know anything about the stb emulator? I noticed that my guide is 2 hrs behind. I just wanted to see if you know how to fix the time shift. I tried asking Mvas but never got a response. Anyway I'm on Eastern standard Time. Guide is about 2 hours behind. Thanks in advance
I don't understand what you mean. I went to the rocket site and I click on the buttons and nothing happens. No price list no channel list. Nothing.
I will try one of the other ones.
I used to own rocket but it went down so bloody much with the NOI software that I gave up. Now I have IPTV but can't find A solid one. So I figure I go this route when I found out nfps and rocket were still alive and well. Bt now I am frustrated again.
Since I don't use the Mag, I have no idea if the guide is down or there is an issue with your set-up. You would be well served to post in the mag subforum.
The portals have changed. Please look in the server subforum under your server name to learn the new portal and set-up directions,
Check the first link in my signature for donating directly to the source. Do not use a reseller.
Can you please help me in getting set up with either rocket or nfps.
I used to have them both with my nfusion receiver with iks but I got rid of it because I hated having to use the software off the computer and then bridge it to the receiver.
I m using a dreamlinkT1 and IPTV express but they are so much issues with buffering and the catchup not working halg the time.
My name is Chris and you can check to see that I was a member of the rocket service with this username.
Thank you.
Sorry For not being more clear. I had a Dreamlink box but it crashed so I buy new box Mag 256. Do you need the old Mac for the Dreamlink Or just the new Mac for the Mag 256?
i am interest in instaling a vpn is that one you are using is free or paid one is this go on the router or where i need help with that
you would want to post in the Open Fourms Knox.
This is your message board and is not the ideal place to get assistance.