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need take picture of mac address and with all you info send it to them tell whats wrong and they will fix it
Me again. I had an old account with the same box. Is it posible that the box is linked to the old account and thats why Im getting that already exists?
This is for a mag254 with NFPS. Im getting this error: this MAC Address already in use when i try to change it. How can I fix it? I' ve been reading some posts here and what is pm and how I do it?
Ting to get my stb Eliminator 250 going but am a bit confused did all the steps but it won't open up I put the donation # TO LINK IT SAID SUCCESSFUL BUT STILL The same can someone help me out with issue plz.
just add 'donation number to the 2 lines shown & hit ok... you'll have to scroll down to 'enter or 'ok tab, but it's pretty easy...
Saludo tengo una Avov online compre el servicio y no se conecta pregunto tengo que enviar el Mac address y a quien espero una buena repuesta amigo soy nuevo en esto gracias.
Hello still waiting to be able to reset my mac . Bought last Friday card is clear all my number received by email but cannot reset my mac .
I'm interested of changing the number of program to make my own preference of programs for example: CNN is on 256channel I want to remove at 15channel, to be easy for me to find the program, so I want to make a change at program numbers, but I don't now how can I make that..
I'm interested of changing the number of program to make my own preference of programs for example: CNN is on 256channel I want to remove at 15channel, to be easy for me to find the program, so I want to make a change at program numbers, but I don't now how can I make that..
I hope that I'm clear of what I want and, sorry for the mistakes because I don't know very well english, thanks!
I just switched from iptv4less to iks66 but when I put the user name and password I received from iks66 I get
authentication error. I have asked for the iptv reset, now I can't go back to iptv4less and I can't go on iks66
Any help please
There appears to have been a problem with the channel pull during the last round. I'm hoping it will be rectified in the next pull. If not, then there's a bigger issue that will need to be addressed. At the moment, it is a wait and see.
hi ilan. last 2 days i am not getting tv guide on my mac 256. tried reset portal didnt help . any advice?

thank you
Hola un saludo al grupo.

por favor soy nuevo, como puedo obtener la la direccion MAC de mi donación, para ponerla en el kodi, voy a la pagina de iptv66tv y cuando le doy en buscar o ligar Mac me salen todos los datos que me enviaron, pero la MAC no me sale. gracias