Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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dvbken is the one to thank. he made this great plugin!
Okay, just installed the new pvr 0.8!! Beautiful epg and guide. Thanks psycon,dvbken.

Well then, what's next.

Our Kodi coders now needs to find a way to stop the "working" pop up from working relentlessly when the channel or movie is not responding. Really annoying.
Is anyone else having trouble downloading the Beta file with Stalker at this link:!ORQkHSRS!jQITq5WWvdIIBDuyvcO3EQ
I keep getting "Temporary Error - Retrying." Just for the thickheaded such as I ;-) Is the only FIXED working set up for Android Kodi users Kodi 15 Beta and 0.8 Stalker?
And if so, is 0.8 only available as part of Lsengard Beta? Lastly, anywhere else to get that package besides that mega link which is currently acting funky on my end?
Thanks to all for always saving our collective butts :-D And big shout out to DVBKEN!! Thanks
i left mine alone too, been changing it to see if it matters when a channel is down whether the "working" will go away any faster... havent really noticed if it matters by changing that number
Hey, Im on a android, I have been trying to get my stalker to work. I uninstall Psycon edition of kodi at least 5 times, entered my own 6 digits for MAC with 5 different set of numbers, where it says xmltv remote url, i entered still can not load channels.. what i'm i doing wrong?
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