Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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New Pre-release has dropped. Remember, this and all future releases are for Isengard only..

0.8.0 (05-24-2015)
- added XMLTV support
- added multi-portal support
- added support for portals with user authentication
- various fixes and improvements


For Android Users having issues. Uninstall Kodi and use the version below, it has the plugin installed already!ORQkHSRS!jQITq5WWvdIIBDuyvcO3EQ

You do not need to modify you skins to have Colorized EPG (when using my xmltv source), works much better right out of the box with this plugin when compared to IPTV simple client.

IT is recommended to delete previous versions, then installing this

It is recommended to purge PVR and EPG database, then RESTART kodi after making changes in stalker settings.

Thanks for all your hard work dvbken!!!!
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Yes, active portal is # 1, and there i have the server address, and the mac is the same i was using in previous kodi version, so it's kind of weird, it was working good on 14.2, now i switch to 15 and can't make it work, not even the simple client is working, i enable it and does nothing.


Sorry forgot to metion OS, is win 8.1

Edit 2:

Ok, now i got it to work, i uninstall and reinstall kodi and the add on again, clear registry, and now is working, nice to see channel logos beside channel name.
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Last night, using the pre-pre-release, I couldn't get my android working to get a connection to NFPS. My android kodi may be dirty, so I may have to fresh install. I'm expecting a new rom for the box, so it's not a big deal to blow away that Kodi, but it may be something to keep note of for those upgrading to 15.0. (I couldn't get a connection using 15.0 and pvr.staker 0.7 either, but 0.7 worked with 14.2)
the beta i sent u last night is the same as the pre-release, no code changes.. I have seen similar behavior with previous builds.. then again i am testing a lot of early builds and break things often and have to start from scratch just to keep things clean.

deleting your EPG and TV .db files from your userdata/database folder in kodis appdata folder ususally solves any issues as well.
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