Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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Thanks DarkSide will try that anything else need changing ? i noticed that in the config it has europe/kieve does that need to be changed

You don't have to set the timezone. If you want to though, you can use the value from the TZ column from here:

I Believe it is to be used when the Guide data starts being transmitted by the server. Or may be non functional as of yet.
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Installed the latest version for windows and everything looks good except that it hangs on "loading channel list". I let it go for about 5 minutes and it never loaded. Any ideas or suggestions? Got through the first 18 pages of this thread, but don't think I could hang with another 80.
you didnt configure the plugin properly. go into Settings >Addons > Stalker Plugin>configure and change the last 3 pairs of the mac to something Random (in hex) , and hange the server to .
then restart kodi.
That is a definitely Mac number issue which I faced on my windows while I was testing the new version, don't give up keep changing the last six digit until it connect with no problem with your channels.
By the way the older version now works good as well on all of the channels as well I tested them both.
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