POTATO TV (IPTV Stalker addon)

Did you ever resolve this? Not on pc so can't just edit files manually that easily.

I see that we're +2 hours ahead of the accurate epg listings, so i shifted the time by -2, by using different cities in the couch app's time zone and it doesn't even shift in the epg listings. Even on the simple client yet no changes. So frustrating, I'm also on EST.

Edit 2 = I FIXED MY ISSUE! So basically I switched the city in the couch app but I think that pointless, so skip that step, but here's what you do...

DISABLE IPTV SIMPLE CLIENT, go into that app's configuration, change the time shift to say 0, NOT -4, apply to all channels selected, cache in local storage DISABLED, and then press ok to leave the screen. DO NOT ENABLE THE SIMPLE CLIENT PVR YET!! Go to the system's setting into Live TV/PVR screen, erase TV data and EPG GUiDE data, do it few times, and then press OK to leave the screen. REBOOT your system. Again, go into system's settings to again clear out EPG Data and Live TV data, press oK after you do this to leave the screen. Navigate into PVR Simple Client, go into the configurations again, and check to see if it's still on 0 time shift offset and make sure APPLY to all channels is selected and the same with Cache settings, basically checking that what you did earlier still stands and wasn't changed. If everything checks out like you did in previous steps, finally ENABLE PVR Simple Client and voila accurate EPG time listings. I'm also on EST so I hope it works for you and everybody else! Thanks couch potato for your contributions!

You are amazing! That fix worked!
Just installed Couch Potato, and some channels are not playing with the following error

HTTP error 403 Forbidden I cleared cache, and did IPTV reset, but still the same

I am running KODI 16.1 on a Linux system
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Couch, I linked that epic post (#153) to the bottom your OP... so it would be more easily found. Great explanation.

Thanks mate

but I still have a doubt if they will be willing to read it

everyone here only wants an instant answer lol

Did you ever resolve this? Not on pc so can't just edit files manually that easily.

I see that we're +2 hours ahead of the accurate epg listings, so i shifted the time by -2, by using different cities in the couch app's time zone and it doesn't even shift in the epg listings. Even on the simple client yet no changes. So frustrating, I'm also on EST.

Edit 2 = I FIXED MY ISSUE! So basically I switched the city in the couch app but I think that pointless, so skip that step, but here's what you do...

DISABLE IPTV SIMPLE CLIENT, go into that app's configuration, change the time shift to say 0, NOT -4, apply to all channels selected, cache in local storage DISABLED, and then press ok to leave the screen. DO NOT ENABLE THE SIMPLE CLIENT PVR YET!! Go to the system's setting into Live TV/PVR screen, erase TV data and EPG GUiDE data, do it few times, and then press OK to leave the screen. REBOOT your system. Again, go into system's settings to again clear out EPG Data and Live TV data, press oK after you do this to leave the screen. Navigate into PVR Simple Client, go into the configurations again, and check to see if it's still on 0 time shift offset and make sure APPLY to all channels is selected and the same with Cache settings, basically checking that what you did earlier still stands and wasn't changed. If everything checks out like you did in previous steps, finally ENABLE PVR Simple Client and voila accurate EPG time listings. I'm also on EST so I hope it works for you and everybody else! Thanks couch potato for your contributions!

sorry mate... I don't have est isssue here in my country
sun and moon always keep their promise to come on time lol (sun:06:00-18:00 & moon:18:00-0600)

congrats if you have found your own fix
thanks anyway for the input and I will add a auto-patch in my next release

works now thanks mate.

glad to know that mate

My vod were working up till last night now it say...intergur argument expected..got float how do I fix this? Tia[/QUOTE

you are running the kodi krypton (17.x), aren't you?

sorry I only tested my addod with kodi jarvis (16.x) and I've just found the issue happens in the newer version of kodi

I know how to fix it
you may either wait until my next version relesed
you can fit it by yourself:
1. go to: Kodi/addons/plugin.video.potatoTV/
2. open: stalker.py

3. find a text line contains:
     percent = (100 * (1+page-start) / max_pages)

4. replace it with:
     percent = int(100 * (1+page-start) / max_pages)

5. save the file & restart the addon

it working awsome but how you get the color epg as you have couch potato ?

sorry mate... this version doesn't have a auto-settings feature ton enable the coloured epg

but it will be available in the next release

Does the Kodi Entertainment center requires a add on?

"Kodi Entertainment center" ???

wow! isn't it the first name for kodi when the developer decided to replace the name XBMC to Kodi

the oldest version of kodi I've ever tested was the kodi helix (14.x)
and my addon can run well with it

Just got Potato installed. Now I find A LOT of channels, but not all are giving me the following error, and will not play:

HTTP error 403 Forbidden I cleared cache, and did an IPTV reset, but still the same.

I am running KODI 16.1 on a Linux system

The VOD movies do not show any plot information.. you weren't kidding when you said the addon was bare bones

lol... trying hard to get my attention huh ???

should I buy you a candy?
a pony? lol

You can use the genre setting to categorize the VOD offerings. Frankly, I like the bare bones nature.

thanks ilan :)

if anyone have read what I type before (hmm.. i doubt it lol)
I've posted that the vod metada will be available for those who has a MAC & DONATION based account

fyi, the stalker's portal will treat any MAC based acc. sama as any account which are running for Stalker supported STB box or STB Emu (iptv stalker plus or iptv stalker client)


if your account is only a DONATION based...
you will only get a M3U playlist which doesn't provide you any extra info/metada, beside channel's name, icon, url

What channels are giving you the error message? Name a few so we can take a gander.

if some channels ended with this following error:


there are 2 possible reason:

1. if it happened with all premium channels : your account is not legit (invalid)

2. if it only happened with some premium channels, but not with the other premium channels (e.g. USTV: OK but UKTV: ERROR)

it means that the channels with error were down (temporarily?)

you can check it by yourself by using a different video player (i.e. VLC Player)
and it will give you the same result too


some channels has the wrong name the UFC network Hd had a adult channels (venus) also the adult channels has kids movies any help on how to fix this am on kodi using potato tv

if you want towatch any adult contents but my addon only gives you a random/wrong video (mostly you will watch cartoons lol)
it means your adult contents are PASWORD PROTECTED and you have entered the INCORRECT PASSWORD
EPG Guide problems kodi v17 & IPTV Simple Client

I could not get the EPG Guide to work correctly, but only with Kodi 17.1.
Kodi 16.1 worked perfectly every time, and that is what went back to.
Just a note if anyone wants to reload 16 back onto 17. You have to delete everything and start from scratch or you will have problems(Screen icons missing etc).(At least I did!).
I also forgot to try the EPG Time adjust settings available in advancesettings.xml, but you really should not have to use this.

for ken no problem here 17 and potato tv and simple client/guide but it was the second day after set up and give up but left all active and did a reset and went for beer's/wine and then next day it all work you go figure
love this hobby
I could not get the EPG Guide to work correctly, but only with Kodi 17.1.
Kodi 16.1 worked perfectly every time, and that is what went back to.
Just a note if anyone wants to reload 16 back onto 17. You have to delete everything and start from scratch or you will have problems(Screen icons missing etc).(At least I did!).
I also forgot to try the EPG Time adjust settings available in advancesettings.xml, but you really should not have to use this.


I've just installed the kodi krypton (which I really realy hate).. just to make a "starving man" happy lol

since I don't know how to perform the "CLEAR DATA" for both TV & EPG within the krypton,
I only do this:
1. run the pvr auto-setings thru' my addon
2. quit krypton (thanks God)
3. open Kodi/userdata/Database/
4. delete all of  TV*.db & Epg*.db files
5. restart krypton (damned!)

potato v1.0.4-r2 with krypton 17.1

and this is "a can of potato chips for the starving man" (potato v1.1.0-beta7 with krypton 17.1)

and taaadaaaa!
the dumb trick still works with the damned krypton lol

I use IPTV66 and when I use potato tv it plays for 2 minutes then stream just closes. Why does it do this and is there a fix for this?

i have no issues here.

thanks Bkman2020 :)

yep! I also get no issues with all the channels I played

here is a 5 minutes recording (SKY ONE - NCIS L.A) as a a proof


your issues probably was only on your side, related to loading timeout due to many things
i.e. RAM, cache buferring, or ISP's bad routing

maybe you could try:
1. google:  kodi cache buffer
2. re-check your connection
3. use VPN