you need to put your donation number in. ensure it is correct.
donation number is in and correct. using new mac number also.
you need to put your donation number in. ensure it is correct.
Version 0.8.4. Settings: Active Portal: NFPS, Time Zone; America/New York, XMLTV File: 72 hours Time out 60 sec. No other client in use. IPTV Stalker disabled. Ivue guide disabled. using Kodi: 15.2, Mbox, MXIII.
cleared EPG database several times, not sure where to find delete cache function. still indicating "Cannot Load EPG"
read post 1i'm getting program listings but no program info - deleted data - same issue
I'm using kodi 16 with the stalker PVR and iks 66 service what settings do I need to have in the stalker PVR on for this be working for me
clear your database and delete the epg cache from the plugins folder
I've seen people have good luck by changing the MAC. Some wisdom suggests the time zone and MAC are linked. When the new MAC is entered, the proper time zone is established. Give it a shot.