I'm having issues with getting the tv option to display in kodi, along with connecting. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I maybe doing wrong? Here are the steps I've taken below:
* downloaded and installed the pvr.stalker client (arm) - running on fire tv
*configured the stalker pvr as follows
Mac Add: 00:1A:79:09:00:2D
Server Address: 1.iptvprivateserver.tv (without
* Enable Live TV in the general section of KOBI - Version 14.1
*Restarted KOBI
* Did see the TV menu, so I thought maybe someone else has the same mac address. Well, I've altered it a number of times, still don't see the TV menu option,
*Set Kobi to launch TV Channels upon startup, needless to say, it's blank and I still don't have a tv menu item.
*Using the default skin for kodi
So for the only thing I have installed is fusion to gain access to genesis.
Any suggestions?