Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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Q: All I see is "Working...". What's wrong?
A: several things could be happening:
(1) the channel(s) is down
(2) the authentication expired or got invalidated. so, restart kodi
(3) someone else shares your creative mind and somehow uses the mac address as you. thus (2) happens, so change the mac address and restart kodi
(4) you are using more than one device configured with the same mac address. this won't work. you have to use a different mac address for each device. otherwise one device will invalidate the other. again like (2). (the portal may be tracking IPs as well but idk)
(5) check that the stb emulator or your mag box is working. if that doesn't work, this won't either
(6) still no go? close kodi and delete this file:
windows: %appdata%\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\pvr.stalker.client\cache.xml
android: /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.stalker.client/cache.xml
1-6 verified several times

android: /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.stalker.client/cache.xml
Can't seem to find the cache "pvr.stalker.client/cache.xml",
another way to do this, I went into KODI programs/maintenance tool/system tweaks/...clicked enable zero cache, rebooted

Still nothing showing channel #'s but [working...] never gets pasts this and goes on for approx 30 seconds to a minute and then it automatically stops
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Ok i found another thread very interesting possibly related to my current issues
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This is working great on windows 8 PC with proper Mac address! I had a heck of a time getting it to work until like someone here mentioned doing an ipconfig/all and using the last 6 digits of my mac address and that did the trick. I look forward to testing and learning more as we go along hopefully begin to see more American channels along the way and kudos to all the great minds here. Have a great weekend!
I'm having issues with getting the tv option to display in kodi, along with connecting. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I maybe doing wrong? Here are the steps I've taken below:
* downloaded and installed the pvr.stalker client (arm) - running on fire tv
*configured the stalker pvr as follows
Mac Add: 00:1A:79:09:00:2D
Server Address: (without http://)
* Enable Live TV in the general section of KOBI - Version 14.1
*Restarted KOBI
* Did see the TV menu, so I thought maybe someone else has the same mac address. Well, I've altered it a number of times, still don't see the TV menu option,
*Set Kobi to launch TV Channels upon startup, needless to say, it's blank and I still don't have a tv menu item.
*Using the default skin for kodi

So for the only thing I have installed is fusion to gain access to genesis.

Any suggestions?
Did you make sure to enable pvr client in add ons? Also try to disable live tv then exit and turn kodi back on and enable live tv then exit and restart it if that don't work my guess is your MAC address is the problem.
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