Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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thank you for sharing,
this is perfect, I am sure epg will work when they turn it on.
testing on win7 kodi14.1...
will there be an apple version so it could be installed on tablet?
hi I'm installing the stalker pvr on my nexus player I used x86 version but I get an unkown error has occured addon could not be loaded an unknown error has occured can't load dll please help
Server seems to be down on most channels. Might want to keep the dish. I have 4channels up and they are freezing. 50meg connection. This is great! But must need more bandwidth?
Hi Guys

first post so be gentle...

Can someone please confirm what the Mac addr and http info should be.

Installed client on my Amazon fireTV and no channels showing livetv enabled and client


Ignore....N00bies error RTFM.
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a person named Husham has videos on youtube showing how to get more than 1 client to work at a time

That's using the "simple pvr client". You can have multiple pvr clients, the question is whether this client can provide connections to multiple services or at the minimum save settings for multiple servers. If that is a real need, the stb emulator does that fine.

Just remember, the method of entering a donation/password has yet to be publically known, and isn't yet implemented in this addon.
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