Works, but the categories (genres) for IPTV aren't bringing up the right channels... should be an easy fix as they are just one down. I'd like an ALL genre as well.
Replicated the bug again with a real rocket account. Seems to be an issue when the Adults are blocked, so genres after that one are wrong. When the adults are made visible, the proper channels appear. I use the "Information" genre to test which should bring up the news channels.
Thanks for the ALL genre I'm not sure if the MAC requirement will be enforced for non-STB or Stalker applications, as I can readily use my code within the m3u link, even with a MAC enabled in the checker, and I can also use xtreams-codes as well without nulling the MAC. Once NFPS is fully converted, it won't be an issue, but I do like the ability to enter a custom server, even though I have no need to use it.