For those who are having trouble with permissions in getting into your Windows/temp directory for the wg_guide.xml, you can change the location where the webgrab puts the output file in the "WebGrab++.config.xml" which is in the WebGrab files location, and then modify the go.bat to locate that file to copy into the bin folder. Also, don't forget that you need a file with "</tv>" in it.
Here's the thing about WebGrab...the way that psycon has it configured, it does take some time to run that portion of the batch. It does get some channels that are missed by the mc2xml grab, but its really insignificant (about 10 english language, 24 spanish language). If you are comfortable with basic programming, modify the go.bat to ignore the processing of the wg_guide.xml by putting 'rem' in front of those lines that have anything to do with WebGrab. I don't want to post a modified batch file here, as its not our intent to teach how to do this.