I am assuming that by "stability" you mean lack of freezing? I couldn't agree more ! This has been brought up many times and the standard reply is that they are in testing mode. That is really a poor answer, it seems like the subject is being totally avoided. IF, in addition to being in testing mode, it was added that the freezing will be addressed, or is being looked into, or ANY statement other than the standard "test mode" reply, that would at least enlighten us a bit. It is also worth noting that any comments on quality of service appear to be most unwelcome. It appears, at least to me, that the more popular a channel is, the more likey it is to have freezing. I do not take comfort in there being maybe 300 channels that do not freeze, they are mostly languages I do not speak. Note, I have tested at 35 mb/s speed with my mag254
Personally, I usually go to CH205 / Fox news a few times a day just to see what is going on in the world. CH205 has had such heavy freezing for the last few weeks that it is unusable. I was tempted to post a report but experience has shown that it would fall on deaf ears.
Bottom line..... during this "test mode", the number of channels/movies increases nearly daily but the quality of service has been on a slow decline over several weeks. WIll the quality of service greatly improve? They are not saying, we are left to draw our own conclusions for now.
Opps..... after posting I see that crazed has said this is not a server stabilty discussion....... Sorry, for the misplaced post....... Crazed comment was not there when I started typing.