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Does anyone read these post that can help with a solution?? Fox News Channel and others unwatchable constant buffering and we are paying for this. Seems that many others are having same issues. At the minimal a brief explanation of what the problem is with your server(s).
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The clock struck 8pm pst, and everything began freezing.

Tried a couple different channels and they're all freezing. Was working perfectly until 8pm, then it went to hell.

Fox NY and History, freezing for sure.

H2/Vice seems to be working fine atm though.
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Tuesday nite, 21 JUN 2016

Well here we are again...same pattern of freezing, buffering, dropouts, no TV again, starting at around 6pm-7pm Eastern, since last Saturday/Sunday, or in other words, before, during and slightly after prime time viewing hours.

For me and my friends/family using 3 MAG254's in different geo locations, we've all been experiencing the same pattern for the past 4 nites, and it's become apparent that since this is primarily happening on the live US TV channels, but not necessarily exclusively, the issue of adequate capacity and/or source streams for the content in question is just not being provided/addressed on the server side. I don't know what else we, as paying subscribers of the nfps service can do...I mean, I think some of us would be willing to pay a bit more if we were at least reasonably confident that doing so would result in at least more up time than down time, but none of the 3 of us feel that it will, not after nearly 14 months of this kind of more down than up service conditions.

I/We're all pretty much bummed out, and while we can't afford the big name service providers, we're certainly not able to settle for this much longer. 2 of us are set to renew in September/October respectively, and another in March, and unless by some miracle the service does a massive turn-around and improves dramatically between now and September, I'm sorry to say we're not going to renew...which for us is sad, because we really like the US channel lineup a lot, and the Video Club, and the new/expanding ppv selections...but none of it does any of us any good if we can't watch any/most of it on a consistent basis. Super bummed-out about it...but...don't know what else we can do.:(

3 MAG254's running r14, 20-50Mbps Down, 10-25Mbps Up, Hard-Wired, 2 on Portal 2, 1 on Portal 4, all nfps, all 3 bummed-out
Thanks Cap'n...

Yeah...it's a bit of a tricky spot for everyone...the staff here is great, no issues there for me....I sure hope the right talent/resurces can be brought in on the nfps side of things tho, because they have so much potential in terms of what they're striving to provide, it's just maintaining at least a minimal level of service that's not been within their abilities so far that's ruining it for us and them.

I do hope for everyone's sake, especially those who see the potential that the nfps service could have if it were allowed to be maintained by either more capable personnel, or by additional resources, or both, can come together as a group, and persuade nfps to establish at least a minimal level of sustainable service, before it's too late.

A true believer, who's tryin' to hang in there, but also resuming the search from over a year ago, to find something that works/keeps working, kinda sort of...lol.:)
Thanks Cap'n...

Yeah...it's a bit of a tricky spot for everyone...the staff here is great, no issues there for me....I sure hope the right talent/resurces can be brought in on the nfps side of things tho, because they have so much potential in terms of what they're striving to provide, it's just maintaining at least a minimal level of service that's not been within their abilities so far that's ruining it for us and them.

I do hope for everyone's sake, especially those who see the potential that the nfps service could have if it were allowed to be maintained by either more capable personnel, or by additional resources, or both, can come together as a group, and persuade nfps to establish at least a minimal level of sustainable service, before it's too late.

A true believer, who's tryin' to hang in there, but also resuming the search from over a year ago, to find something that works/keeps working, kinda sort of...lol.:)
thanks jropps...:)
CaptainKangaroo, I appreciate your honesty here. I hope that sooner, rather than later, that you and your team can get through to NFPS and that they will listen. It is not always the fault of the end user, as some like to suggest at all times.
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