Thanks Cap'n...'s a bit of a tricky spot for everyone...the staff here is great, no issues there for me....I sure hope the right talent/resurces can be brought in on the nfps side of things tho, because they have so much potential in terms of what they're striving to provide, it's just maintaining at least a minimal level of service that's not been within their abilities so far that's ruining it for us and them.
I do hope for everyone's sake, especially those who see the potential that the nfps service could have if it were allowed to be maintained by either more capable personnel, or by additional resources, or both, can come together as a group, and persuade nfps to establish at least a minimal level of sustainable service, before it's too late.
A true believer, who's tryin' to hang in there, but also resuming the search from over a year ago, to find something that works/keeps working, kinda sort