Mag254 Setup Guide

Thanks for your time and expertise, it greatly appreciated, ok I don't know why it just stopped updating but no matter now, I managed to get thru the software update, I'll just keep following the instructions and see where it goes. Boy does this forum remind me of the iKS and prior websites.
I installed my second mag 254 today.(1st one 2 months ago and is running fine)
Problem: it does not load the portal and goes to
a screen with: IPTV Private Server ...Coming Soon ..powered by IKSprivateserver
and from this screen nothing can be done, have to switch the power.
Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.
Hi every one i used mag 254 i enter mac # 00:1a:XXXXX to that iptv donation site it's said tariff plan i chick that said ever thing is ok and i change ntp server
portal 1 name rocket portal url and load after loading said your stb is blocked whats going on what is wrong
Same problem here.
I get "YOUR STB IS BLOCKED" but says everything is good.
I changed the portal address to and now I get the page that says the trial is over.
Which one is supposed to be the one I use? Thanks.