MAG 254 Update 2.18-r16 Feb 06 - Update 2.18-r17 - discussion thread

they are referring to the Linux kernel
Every Operating System has a core kernel, windows has their own, linux has their own and so on...
The Kernel is the core of a computer's operating system, with complete control over everything in the system.
It is the first program loaded on start-up. It handles the rest of start-up as well as input/output requests from software, translating them into data-processing instructions for the central processing unit.

When they say kernel update is needed, it just means that they want you to load the new file for the added features or fixed issues.
Couldn't be explained better. And by the way has anybody managed to try already the new PiP support? I do not know how to enable it.
r17 is full of bugs. I am stock on r17 and can't downgrade to previous firmwares. RC features don't work, F4 blue moving channels do not work, F3 yellow favorites does not work, adult channels are now on the adult section of the tv section not DV section. the lock on channels can not be removed, other settings also missing.
Hey Narley are you saying the blue move button is working on your Mag?
My mag is full of problems since the r18 update.
Are you getting channel info and does your update button work?
Also video on demand has no info at all.
Does your channel lineup have that red dot against each channel?
Hey tdotgurl, tried the link you provided but it does not work
says "this site can't be reached" ???
Will it work if I just add it to the settings as you suggested?
Is this new firmware going to fix "Your stb is blocked call the provider" problem ?
Or is it going to introduce more problems after upgrading with new firmware ?
I see people here downgrading because of problems, so must not be good updating.
I think it is better to stick with the devil you do know rather then the devil you don't know.

On my Mag 254 currently

Device info

Image Version 218
Image description 0.2.18-r10-254

Is Image description same as firmware version ?


The recent Image files would not make a difference with this STB Blocked syndrome.

There seems to be some confusion with descibing the Mag's Image Versions and the Image Desciptions

The Image Version can be thought of as a suitcase. The suitcase is the same suitcase that is used to carry around all of the defferent Images files.
Our suitcase can be seen as the 0.2.18 ... or also referred to as simply 218

The actual Image Vesrions are the r10, r12, r14, r16, r17
and some older ones


Feb 06 2017

Feb 20 2017

I see zhoing that you show the r10... is that a typo or is your firmware that far outdated ?

The r17 has been working fine here since loaded. It was the r16 that was the troublesome Image file (for me anyway).
I went to r17 and never looked back.

I guess the blue button doesn't work and maybe some other functions, but I have not notced as I do not even know what the blue button is for :)
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The recent Image files would not make a difference with this STB Blocked syndrome.

There seems to be some confusion with descibing the Mag's Image Versions and the Image Desciptions

The Image Version can be thought of as a suitcase. The suitcase is the same suitcase that is used to carry around all of the defferent Images files.
The suitcase can be seen is the 0.2.18 ... or also referred to as simply 218

The actual Image Vesrions are the r10, r12, r14, r16, r17
and some older ones


Feb 06 2017

Feb 20 2017

I see zhoing that you show the r10... is that a typo or is your firmware that far outdated ?

The r17 has been working fine here since loaded. It was the r16 that was the troublesome Image file (for me anyway).
I went to r17 and never looked back.

I guess the blue button doesn't wrk and maybe some other functions, but I have not notced as I do not even know what the blue button is for :)

No typo.
I just updated once the firmware, since I got the Mag 254 around couple years ago when IPTV Rocket was first offered.
What newer features are there in later firmwares upgrades ?


There always improvements in every update (except that r16, which they have removed now).
The address below will take you to the release notes for r14 and r17
(r16 has been removed)

These release notes can be found in the .txt files included in the file packages.

There always improvements in every update (except that r16, which they have removed now).
The address below will take you to the release notes for r14 and r17
(r16 has been removed)

These release notes can be found in the .txt files included in the file packages.


Does upgrading the firmware delete all the data or favourite IPTV links saved in the internal memory ?
If so, how can we back up the data before we do a firmware upgrade ?

What are the instruction how to update ?

Can we download the firmware on website to pc and copy to usb for upgrading by plugin to usb of Mag 254 ?

What is the url to download from ?

Is there a way to save current firmware just in case we wish to downgrade back to it ?


Noticed provider added it view icons and updated to stalker 5.0

that's cool , thnx Bkman:)

zhong , on this thread , take a look at Post # 3 and Post # 18 and Post #24 and Post #71

All answers are there. Except the erasing user data question.

Loading firmware and a reboot willl not affect the data base or server info
A factory reset will however.

I do not think you can BackUp your user data on the Mag, or I have never come acroos on how to do that.
I loaded 0.2.18-r17-254
version 218r17
dated Feb 20 2017
I find that the mag 254 goes to a blank screen when it loses it's signal.
Then when I try to put on a new channel the mag 2524 locks up.
I have to unplug the mag 254 to have it reboot in order to be able to watch a new channel.
NFPS is really quite bad for this.

Any suggestions?
One thing that may help, or may not.. but it may.

What is the Buffer Size set at ?
Try different values for that setting and test for results.

System Settings > Advanced Settings > Buffer size
c'mon fix the firmware already. typed in then clciked verify says damaged.. went to inner portal tried again read error. frustrating. Deja vu back to the end of days of the coolsat. I got the red dots on channel guide and I'm getting the red ass wasting my time. It was near perfect in the weeks up to update. One more sigh from my kid on the sofa hes gonna get a hawiian punch in the mouth. putting away till weekend. then Ill try again