ok guys ive managed to get a hold of that so called 1.2.0 version which i may add is total fcked up, anyone that uses a pc to run ther kodi i suggest you dissable the current version of iptv stalker "if you have had an auto update from version 1.18 to the 1.2.0" once thats dissabled follow the path "C:\private\private\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\packages" inside that folder you will see the zip plugin.video.stalker-1.2.0.zip delete that file then manually enter both user_data and also addons but concentrate on user_data your not gonna have 1 but 2 plugin.video.stalker folders and when you only use the uninstall command via kodi the original folder will delete the 2nd folder is an attachment to the original to force it to copy your info after forcing another update taking you back to version 1.2.0 and i mean untill there both deleted along with cache,Textures13.db,cookies then your gonna be given an update is ready warning but doing these steps will prevent it from installing. the reason why your getting error messages even with your mac on that page is because the 2nd stalker folder is cloning the original with a blocked mac but when you do it the channels working it too sees your mac.