IPTV Stalker video add-on - all platforms

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Not worried about it, once is all said and done each package will be more than enough US channels, I would not put to much worth on the channel shifting since is currently in the test mode which means that they are trying different lineups. I have dealt with NFPS/Rocket and they are smart and know what best packages will produce higher revenue,
Not worried about it, once is all said and done each package will be more than enough US channels, I would not put to much worth on the channel shifting since is currently in the test mode which means that they are trying different lineups. I have dealt with NFPS/Rocket and they are smart and know what best packages will produce higher revenue,

I guess we'll see.

If there were a package to choose that would be a selling point. Personally, I would prefer some kind of option to be able to selectively load what I wanted. Having hundreds of channels that are of no interest to me isn't that attractive. Yes, when it goes paid it will be a cheap alternative so there is that. But the whole concept of one huge 'package' of channels as it is now, for a handful of what I would watch is exactly the reason I ditched cable. Just my 2 cents.

I like the Kodi option and the intended price point but not very impressed with the massive multi-country patchwork. Other than the local channels, news channels and maybe Starz & Showtime, there isn't anything else that can't already be viewed without commercials through Kodi addons. I can see where those folks that like the sports channels would be happy though but I'm not one of them. Watching reruns or movies WITH commercials...why bother? This is the whole reason networks have begun to offer Over The Top apps to people...to avoid all these unwanted channels. It's hard to lump everyone into any category. People have proven that's not what they want, they want a tailored experience.

It will be interesting to see what the final product ends up as. Yet I do appreciate all the effort everyone is making.
load_channels.py, line 259, change "if page > pages or page == 10" to "if page > pages or page == 100" .

This does increase the initial load time of the vods, but you'll have all of them. I think pocpoc kept the load to 10 pages because most people would think there is something wrong during the initial cacheing.
Simple video stalker plugin
Version 1.0.18


1 - Download the plugin
2 - Open the Kodi
3 - Add-on -> Install from zip
4 - Go to config and set up what you want
5 - enjoy

- Up to 3 Portals
- Force Clear Cache (Context menu on each portal)
- Channel groups
- Channel logos
- Channel sort
- Parental lock (Default password 0000)
- VoD (testing - only first 20 pages)
- Mac address (optional)
- Serial Number (optional)
- M3U Server
- EPG (http: / / localhost:8899 / epg.xml?portal=NUMBER)
- Whach the channels on your Android

How M3U Server works:
Open an M3U client such VLC or SIMPLE IPTV and add the address:
http://KODI_IP:8899/channels-1.m3u (use this one on SIMPLE IPTV)

Change the portal number according the server that you want to navigate.

HOWTO- Integrate EPG into PVR IPTV Simple Client using IPTV Stalker and I-Vue TV Data

How to pick-up the Serial Number, device_id, device_id2, signature
Some servers request that information to authenticate.

If you don't have an MAG254 and will activate a new service with a new Mac Address, enable ONLY the options "SEND SERIAL". The system will create automatically a new Serial Number.

If you already have an MAG254, you have to pick up the Serial Number, device_id, device_id2, and signature directly from your equipment and enable the option "CUSTOM SERIAL".
The MAG254 must be updated with Public Version to have ssh access.
More information:
Last Firmware: http://soft.infomir.com.ua/

Turn on the MAG254 and go to Home Portal. Don't open any portal.
Open the ssh and execute the commands:
cd /tmp
wget http://www.handgrep.se/repository/CXtools/sh4/tcpdump/tcpdump-4.3.0-static
chmod a+x tcpdump-4.3.0-static
./tcpdump-4.3.0-static -A -vvv | grep -Eo "(sn=[0-9a-zA-Z]*).*(device_id=[0-9a-zA-Z]*).*(device_id2=[0-9a-zA-Z]*).*(signature=[0-9a-zA-Z]*)"
Open the portal and get the information on console.
You can update the information manually on config. Go to userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.stalker and edit the file settings.xml

http://KODI_IP:8899/channels-1.m3u ******

Is this list something that can be saved locally? in a localfilename.m3u

Sorry I am new here.
"KODI_IP" is just your local computer's ip address. You can save the file through your browser, but it's useless without IPTV Stalker running in Kodi, so its kind of useless by itself. You can use the url in a different network video player, like VLC, I guess, but that's not all that great.
Getting an error with VOD on kodi on my pc with windows 7 64 bit,,,, since today. No changes made.
I get the http error 404: not found,,,,,,,,,,,,,, will start up after clicking it a bunch of times.
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Hi. Guys,
First of all i'd like to say thank you for this amazing addon, it is very cool.
I have some small question:
-the channels logos are missing in live tv (it's ok when i use the video addon)
- some channels are broken, i do not know where we can talk about that
- i found some good special channel playlist and i'd like to add it to stalker, how can i do?

Thank you


First of all i'd like to say thank you for this amazing addon, it is very cool:

(I'm in the UK and I've installed the latest version of the video app with the Ivue guide and it works fine, only I have pre-school kids and the Disney Jr & Nick Jr channels are coming through in Spanish. Is there any way to change private the channel server to get these channels in English? - my kids would be most grateful.
This addon is on the radar now! I have been reading about it on a number of sites and the future doesn't look good. Seems as if they are waiting until it becomes a paid service then I expect a raid to occur. The problem is this addon uses nfusions private servers to pipe dish signal to end users. This alone is bad but when you start charging for the services, you will eventually get in trouble every time. The worst isn't loosing iptv stalker but the private nfusion servers themselves getting in trouble with the law. Because of greed, the end will come very soon. By the way, how can you charge for something that is hacked in the first place? Why not just pay for dish and get the constant quality? I don't understand this type of logic or lack there of. Either way, the future looks grim for the dev. and this nfusion private server all because of greed. There are other alt. to access nfusion private servers through Kodi so this isn't bad for us but bad for them when they get caught. Thought after all this time some would be smarter, guess not.

Why do you think nfusion uses private servers instead of public ones? lol Thanks for ruining private nfusion servers and getting them on the radar. Because of you, all these private servers will be on the radar because the cat is out of the bag now. It only takes one to ruin it for all. :(
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