How to set up pvr.stalker with NFPS and have a Full EPG

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Quick update:

So finally got stalker client nfps kind of working. Just uninstalled and reinstalled again, new mac. This time the channels load in the stalker client nfps pvr, got logos, got channels. Got no epg guide?

I'm so close, anyone suggest what I'm missing? Thanks
I bought the AMFTV 4K and loaded with Kodi 15.2 and side loaded EPG by Clairvoyant. I loaded the one for 15.0 ++ but when attempting to load the zip file I am getting an error that it could not load. Any help would be appreciated.

ok,so I dont get it.I configured as per your instructions.On the pc it works,but stil cant load channels on tablet.Yes I did disable on pc before setting up tablet.Have checked settings all seem to be correct.will check again for errors.would I need a new mac after using pc?
I was having the same problem "not loading channels" "device mismatch" so I changed my MAC address. Totally uninstalled kodi and started fresh. I didn't use the new Mac until I reinstalled kodi and used the simple client nfps. Entered my new Mac, well last three set of numbers, entered my donation number and set to iptv66. That is where my donation was. Then enabled.

I also use the beast build, had to remove iptv stalker itself.

I think the fresh installed wiped some data somewhere that allowed simple client nfps to work. When I enabled tv the first time after doing the above I got an error then it worked fine.

Hope this helps
All the credentials are exactly the same on the tablet? Remember, the slightest difference could throw things off.

You could always try changing the MAC on the tablet to see what happens. Follow the instructions to the T but this time for the tablet.
No matter what I do,I cant get it to load channels.Checked and double checked,then checked again.All my settings are identical(uppercase/lowercase) on both pc and tablet(Samsung Galaxy Tab® 4 10.1).Also Tried different serial,id1,id2 and sig,uninstalled/reinstalled no avail.With all this checking,I noticed two different spellings of "papiao".
Advanced  Alternative setup:  for use with version of Stalker that is included with Kodi only. If you dont know what your doing.. dont use this method. install pvr.stalker.nfps instead. Do not ask for support for the advanced method in this thread

Set your EPG remote URL to hxxps://[COLOR="#FF0000"]papiao[/COLOR].tv/main/EPG/mac/00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX/donation/XXXXXXXXX/fname/NFPSF1

Leave all  the value headers in the URL (do not remove the words mac, donation, or fname leave them there, only change the X's)
Replace all the XX's with  your Mac or Donation
NFPSF1=24 hour, title only. (use this on fire tv stick or other low ram devices)
NFPSF2=24 hour title only offset one hour, for those having issues.
NFPSF3=72 hour with details
NFPSF4=72hour with details offset one hour, for those having issues.

For IPTV66, replace "papiao" with IKS66

Quick instructions below;

    nfps or rocket :  https://[COLOR="#FF0000"]papaio[/COLOR].tv/main/EPG/mac/00:1A:7x:xx:xx:xx/donation/xxxxxxxxxxxx/fname/<guide>

    Replace "<guide>" with the following (EG: .....xxxxx/fname/NFPSF4)
    NFPSF1 - English (Low memory Devices)
    NFPSF2 - English, non DST (Low memory devices)
    NFPSF3 - Full (Colorful Guide and all channel info)
    NFPSF4 - Full, non DST (Colorful Guide and all channel info)

9) Advanced - Use Alphanumeric combos for Serial Number (12-13 characters) , Device IDs (5-6 characters) and Signature (5-6 characters)

10) Token is not currently required.

11) Click OK to save your settings. Click on Enable to enable the client.

12) Navigate back to the Kodi Main Window, select System > Live TV > General

13) Select Enable, might get a 'Load of channels' error, Disable/Enable again, leave it for a minute then it should start loading/download the guide

both of which work on the pc.HMMMPPHH
No matter what I do,I cant get it to load channels.Checked and double checked,then checked again.All my settings are identical(uppercase/lowercase) on both pc and tablet(Samsung Galaxy Tab® 4 10.1).Also Tried different serial,id1,id2 and sig,uninstalled/reinstalled no avail.With all this checking,I noticed two different spellings of "papiao".

both of which work on the pc.HMMMPPHH

its PAPIAO.TV both do not work.. you must spell it correctly.. but that has nothing to do with channels loading, its jsut for the EPG... if your channels are not loading, check your mac, check your donation.. if they are correct and it still doesnt work, change your mac to something new.
its PAPIAO.TV both do not work.. you must spell it correctly.. but that has nothing to do with channels loading, its jsut for the EPG... if your channels are not loading, check your mac, check your donation.. if they are correct and it still doesnt work, change your mac to something new.

Thanks ended up changing mac,seems to have done the trick.
I can't seem to find this information anywhere on any thread. I apologize if it has been asked before. For some reason my MAC address keeps changing on it's own? I have my EPG set up (and working) with the built in stalker client PVR on kodi 15.2. It will randomly stop working, when I check my donation on my mac address shows up as a new totally different number. I switch it and it works again.... repetitive cycle...... Did someone possibly gain access to my donation number?!
Lost EPG program details

EPG has been working perfectly (thumbs up, BTW!) except for one thing which will be the subject of another post as soon as I figure out where to post a feature request. BUT..

Saturday evening I suddenly had no guide program listings, only the channel names and logos. Looking more closely, I noticed that the timeframe listed was from midnight Friday to 10:30am Saturday & would not go later; also if I rolled it back to earlier Friday it would show the program listings. (computer/kodi time shown was still correct.)

I deleted the guide file, restarted, reenabled, deleted and reinstalled the latest pvr, etc with no effect until I toggled the XMLTV File setting from 72 hours to 24 and back again. Then, restarting pvr.stalker.nfps gave me the program names again but no program details/descriptions. Nothing I've been able to do since has brought back the descriptions. I've reloaded the guide data so many times after changing something that I'm beginning to worry about getting banned. :)

On Intel NUC x86_64/linux/Kodi 15.2
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