How to set up pvr.stalker with NFPS and have a Full EPG

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for kodi 15 should be used.the one your using it for kodi 16.
when you change your mac and enable live tv the first time it always fails to load,disable/enable live tv again and it usually loads the 2nd time if your settings are correct. always try to load the channels twice when you change something.
the only thing you absolutely need right to load the channels is your mac,server url and serial number.worry about the epg after you get past that.
Is there a fix for the can not load addon can not load DII or could someone help me I've been out of tv for like 2 weeks now just really wish one could help me with this or could where I could find some help for this I really would appreciate it....
could you explain what you mean by a rooted device

Root: Rooting means you have root access to your device—that is, it can run the sudo command, and has enhanced privileges allowing it to run apps like Wireless Tether or SetCPU. You can root either by installing the Superuser application or by flashing a custom ROM that includes root access.
for kodi 15 should be used.the one your using it for kodi 16.
when you change your mac and enable live tv the first time it always fails to load,disable/enable live tv again and it usually loads the 2nd time if your settings are correct. always try to load the channels twice when you change something.
the only thing you absolutely need right to load the channels is your mac,server url and serial number.worry about the epg after you get past that.

so for kodi 15 just type or put in http:// in front of it ?and what about filling out thebottom like device id and all the other stuff on the bottom thamk
with or without the http:// it should work.
the only thing that is needed at the bottom is the serial number,max 13 digits.
the device id's and signature can be added for added security if you choose (min 4 digits,max 6-8 or so).
leave token blank either way.
Do you have to use your donation number for the guide to work? how do you protect your donation number or do you get multiple donation numbers as a reseller? is there another option for a full guide that doesn't require a donation number ? :confused: Thanks!
the donation number is required if you want to use the guide data.
you can set guide preference to provider only and you will get whatever nfps offers for epg.if may not be as detailed or have epg for all the channels.
as last resort you could goto website and view the epg online.only north america timezones are covered.
the donation number is required if you want to use the guide data.
you can set guide preference to provider only and you will get whatever nfps offers for epg.if may not be as detailed or have epg for all the channels.
as last resort you could goto website and view the epg online.only north america timezones are covered.

Thanks for the info!!!
Need some advice here as read so many posts and tried so many pvr's.

Got a simple Android box. Running version 15.2. Have paid donation iptv stalker, version 1.0.18. Works fine on its own.
Had it linked to Ivue by saving channels as favourites, worked fine until Ivue understandably pulled the plug.

I also have tried simple client, stalker client and stalker client nfps. Which one is the best and most reliable to use for a working epg?

I cannot get any working. I either get authorization fail or device mismatch. Actually I can load the channels into simple client but I want an epg guide. My dad needs it, he is old. I have followed so many instructions, changed mac address, cleared caches etc... But no joy. I'm so close I can almost hear Antiques Road Show.

Any advice or thread to the most up to date source/pvr would be much appreciated.

There seems to be many a change a foot. Thanks
I installed Stalker Client NFPS 0.8.4 and after a couple of clear data and turning live tv on and off I got the channels and the guide to load but the guide only shows the name of the program no info and yes it is set to 72 hr xmltv. I tried Stalker Client NFPS on Jarvis Beta 5 and it would not install. I love the service when it works. The support for users could do with some improvement. It would be nice to know why our setups that have worked well for months stopped and even nicer to know what to do to restore them.
Started over again on Isengard 15.2. uninstalled 15.2, deleted Kodi app data folder(Win 7) used regedit to search/delete all kodi references. reinstalled 15.2 and Stalker NFPS. changed MAC on the PC set up Stalker, linked new MAC. Then I enabled stalker and cleared TV data and turned Live TV on. Loads channels but I get Unable to load guide. I followed the same procedure with Kodi 16.beta 5 and got the same results. Is the Stalker NFPS client supposed to install already enabled? It does and the other Stalker PVR doesen't. I am sure that I followed all steps correctly I can watch TV just no guide data. I assume the problem is on the server end and I will have to wait. WWWAAAAA!!! I WANT MY GUIDE LOL..
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