At the risk of adding to the confusion, if anyone has the STB Emulator configured & is also using the PVR Client they won't get their guide to work properly no matter what they do. The only solution to get the guide showing correct info using PVR Client/Live TV combo is by changing your MAC & serial number etc & configuring your PVR Client with it.
The guide on the STB Emulator is off (by two hours for me) which seems to affect the PVR Client/Live TV guide also even if you have the STB Emulator disabled.
I have three android boxes all configured the same way as regards PVR Client. I recently wanted to watch some VODs so installed the customized STB Emulator on the third box. The guide on the Emulator was out two hours so I started using PVR Client/Live TV again on that box. Guides on two boxes are now fine but the one on that box was still out two hours. No matter what I did I couldn't get guide correct on that box until I changed MAC, so using the STB Emulator was the culprit in my case.