EPG.NINJA by The Clairvoyants

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the most recent stalker nfps always uses nfpsf by default. the 'D' variants shouldn't be loading.

every timezone I tried on win and android, the right utc time comes out. I can't replicate a -/+ 2 hour offset.
you'll need to compile from
(jarvis only)

but if you feel adventurous, you can cherry-pick the last 4 commits onto the isengard branch.
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that may happen from time to time as one of the data sources has been having intermittent issues.

for something unrelated. i have implemented new countermeasures to block clients from grabbing the files to frequently.. if the site seems down to you, its ok, your jsut being blocked temporarily and will be allowed to connect again throughout the day so your guide stays up to date.. since kodi seems to ignore the refresh interval and jsut hammers the site anyways, it should autoupdate itself without issue.. if this method works well to get a handle on bandwidth i may increase the grab to a few days or more, this should also help with the missing data issue as your client will already have a lost of the data cached so missing data shouldnt be a problem.
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i was about to ask cautiously if "Provided by epg.ninja" could be changed to "EPG by epg.ninja" because somehow "provided" interfered with the way at least i read things. then i looked in todays guide and wadda you know "EPG by epg.ninja" lol

telepathic mindsharing.. uuhuh lol. apparently i was not the only one who read it funny.
thanks alot guys.
that may happen from time to time as one of the data sources has been having intermittent issues.

for something unrelated. i have implemented new countermeasures to block clients from grabbing the files to frequently.. if the site seems down to you, its ok, your jsut being blocked temporarily and will be allowed to connect again throughout the day so your guide stays up to date.. since kodi seems to ignore the refresh interval and jsut hammers the site anyways, it should autoupdate itself without issue.. if this method works well to get a handle on bandwidth i may increase the grab to a few days or more, this should also help with the missing data issue as your client will already have a lost of the data cached so missing data shouldnt be a problem.

i think the data is loaded incremental into the database as you need it that why you see "hammering".
the epg data is loaded from database when you start up kodi unless none exists. you can see a difference in how it loads stuff on a blank database or one that has been in use and already have the data up till a earlier time point.
and after that it will only need incremental data from the xml file, i think that is what you see?

i'll check my log, it should give the answer.
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