EPG is 5 hours off

This has worked for me as well as the other epg trick.. the epg trick however wares off

Yeah, the EPG trick of advancing and retracting by 1 day isn't working anymore. I'm still an hour off. Even when it did work, the titles where correct in the grid but the info for the titles where the info for titles an hour from now so that was still off by an hour.

I have tried setting the time in Android and it's still a no go for me.
Ok, I believe I found the sweet spot. I'm in the central time zone so I changed my setting to mountain time zone using Denver. Phoenix is in the same time zone but put the guide way off. Denver seems to be the one. Then set the time to my time and the guide seems to be correct. Hope this lasts.
Well, that was short lived. The guide is correct until the next show comes on then it's completely out of wack again. If I completely exit live TV then go back in the guide will be correct...until the next show starts then it's off again. It's exasperating.
yea many ways to get it but truth is wont stay put i dont know if its box or server thats problem now im hr off was good then i played with it dumb chit me when working dont touch tell all that and i dont listen to what i said
funny i click epg and its right when on movie says a hr back i can live with that for sometime hope they get it right think it day light saving time that doing this
if it is the box problem i sure they are working on it they read whats going on a yes it has few glitch but what box dont im sure support knows whats going on
I have seen reports of other boxes complaining about the same thing. I'm not quite convinced it's the Buzz box....but it could be.

I think a great future update for the Buzz app would be the ability to select an external guide source. Right now (while in the BuzzTV app) if you hit menu button and select "guide" from the menu options the guide opens. We don't need this as we can simply hit the guide button on the remote to bring up the guide. What we need is when you hit the menu button and then select the guide option in the menu list a window comes up offering selections such as "default guide" which would come from the server, and another option "external guide". If you select external guide a URL box pops up and you can enter the URL to a third party guide like Viper's guide or iVue or whatever. If you want to go back to the server's guide then select default guide and you're back to the guide we use now. This would give the end user more options and possibly help with the time issues if it is a guide/server problem.
I know my buzz is off on epg timeas well with rocket,but i think its a provider issue, dishuser has posted twice now that his time is right, i bet he is using another provider that is not supported here