Your STB is blocked call provider

I link the MAC address to the donation number, you guys think it might have something to do with that?
Because both of my unit are having the same problem.
Mag254 says the portal is not available.
Voxo 2 the unit is been block by the provider.
have you tried using the google DNS......

Ive a Mag 254 and never been able to get pat the "your stb is blocked" and thats after loads and loads of reading and advice from members on this forum
But ive got other portals working on the Mag and have had M3U working as well :)
So is google DNS...... really an answer ?
You should just use the free service until they change it to donation,the server is still on free testing mode.
For now just go back to the regular free MAC address and you should be fine then you can switch
Back When the server is totally ready for iptv donation.
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