IPTV66 why this is so hard ?

IPTV66 Help here!
it been 4 days now since i purchase a suscription and still cant get it to work i put the mac on payment the portal as in the email and in the email was a username and password and still i get a error i try my donation and nothing they told me i have to reset my mac on https://iks66.tv/main/search/ i put the donation number but what i have to put on route my mac ? or other stuff y try with my mac and still dont work am using stb emulator any help please
today is a really bad day to be setting anything up. the iptv servers are not connecting properly, if you are attemting a new install you can't tell if it's you or them. click on new posts now and then to see if folks are back up and running otherwise you are wasting your time.
you need to put in your order number that came in your email and the route number is the username and password in your email then complete the capta and then at the bottom u can change or reset your mac
on iks66.com i press were it says iptv and order 1 moth it was $ 12 usd did i did something wrong ? or can you send me the correct link to order thanks

nope, you did it correctly. That 12 usd is for IPTV + IKS
If it was IKS only, then it would have been only $ 9 usd
The site is giving an error, as it is telling us that IPTV is not applicable but yet it gives the IPTV server URL as your server and not the IKS URL
SO that shows there is an error there and not your mistake.

I would email iks66 and tell them about this.
Use the subject matter as the email title or subject line to ensure it gets noticed in timely manner.
All strange last week I paid for two donations and received two emails with donation numbers for both I paid for IPTV+IKS all was ok yesterday I receive two more emails same order numbers but this time different donation numbers, reading the post from cronicpain above I decided to check on iks site and mine have both changed to IPTV Portal N/A. it also says that in last two emails yesterday, on the original emails it says IPTV PORTAL:66.iptv66.tv
SERVER: 66.iks66.tv

I Have sent them an Email but this is obviously affecting other people, if it had been a mistake when I first ordered is one thing to to kill the IPTV PORTAL a week after on both donations is a disgrace, I doubt they have made the mistake the other way round given people who have only paid for IKS FREE iptv portal access, MISTAKE ???
I have the same thing as your self on a renewal of 2 services. What's going on I have had the service 6 weeks so far and its only worked for 2 weeks of it. I am happy to pay but this is putting me off using IPTV. Hope it gets sorted soon as I have not had a reply from ISK66 on anything I have sent to them to.