NFPS / Private Video on how to set up iptv stalker

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Hello I was wondering if there's a video that shows you how to hook up IPTV to stalker client that will work I have downloaded it into Kodi and put in the URL for the server I see there's a Mac address above it and everything looks good but it won't polling channels it gives me an error that it won't load channel for some reason could someone give me a hand to get it going I been working on it for a couple weeks and I still can't get it something is wrong I've got the newest software helix 14.

It works with the new version on your windows but if you prefer the reported version in post one which is the 14.1 then you can get it down here but first make sure you uninstall the existing one:


I prefer you use your real Mac address and just replace the last six numbers on the stalker with the last six numbers of your real device real mac address.
As a matter of fact I spent a few min trying to find BIO thread to post it here but I couldn't, I wish it's been made as a sticky but I couldn't find it.
That you BIO, now I know where to find it because I see that a lot of our members here at this forum benefit from your thread, also thank you for making it a sticky.
Have a good one.
Thump up, Great help from a great staff members without any exception, all of you, I would never have learn anything without you, although I am still in the learning process at my very early stage in this hobby.:)
To answer the OP, there is a video floating out there about how to install the PVR client, but I think it tells you to download the client from somewhere other than the original thread. I'm not sure downloading something from a location other than original is all that safe, but it also doesn't acknowledge the author. You can do what others have found useful for any topic for XBMC or Kodi ... search for the video in the most obvious place for any video!