Rocket Video Club not working server 22

Help for Rocket IPTV Server.
I am having problems with VOD on both servers 11 & 22, no VOD, my Vixo Fuses is on server 22 and my TVoline+ is on server 11.
Both are updated to the latest Version: 1.81 Live TV works fine.
i dont know just trying to find out whats going on like i said im up on vods with vixo 2 box and plus and 4k just not fuse have not tried the other boxes but i can tell you there working on it see i dont hear much from mag or dreamlink t1 or stalker or emulator if they are working
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i dont know just trying to find out whats going on like i said im up on vods with vixo 2 box and plus and 4k just not fuse have not tried the other boxes but i can tell you there working on it see i dont hear much from mag or dreamlink t1 or stalker or emulator if they are working

I test a couple the other day on a MAG 254 on NFPS server and it seemed fine. I haven't tested any today though.

Update:Just tested 3 Movies (Argo, Concussion, and Bridge of Spies) on NFPS Portal 5 using a MAG 254 all working fine.
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Please do not confuse VOD with Video Club

VoD is the 500s channels
Video club is the movie section on the outer portal and that is the one not working on server 22

The VoDs are not in the Live TV list (the 500's)... Those were labeled PPVs. VoDs exist in the Video Club, for STBEmu and MAGs, but are also in a separate area on the Avovs and Dreamlink T1. VoDs can also be accessed by certain Kodi add-ons, the IPTV Stalker Plus, and PVR Stalker NFPS.

There are issues with the 22 portal url for VoDs, as reported in this thread.
Please do not confuse VOD with Video Club

VoD is the 500s channels
Video club is the movie section on the outer portal and that is the one not working on server 22

That isnt exactly correct. Correct me if I am wrong.
The 500s were PPV.
VOD is the same as Video CLub.
On the my AVOV the video section is called VOD while on my Mag254 it is called Video Club.
The last TV online 1.81 update on one of the vixo 2s will not even load a list of VOD, the other is running BEFORE the update, and populates, loads the selection but will not play it.