I knew and know it is not a hacking thing NEHPYX. It is easy to see what it is and good work too.
But that was not my point on' giving up' thou.
You see this site we are on (iptvTalk) is owned by guess who ?
You can probably guess.
When papiao first came on-line with their iptv services back so many years ago, the service was free to anyone that was a member here or other papiao websites. that went on like that for a few months, perhaps up to 6 months maybe.
During that time, we also had forums here at iptvTlk for m3u discussion.
I personally posted lots of stuff in there, including some of the same sorta stuff as you have posted here NEHPYX, along with instructions on how to create m3u files and etc, etc...
Also included were other How To's on the subject,... and lots had to do with online sources (other then papaio).
So anyway that went on for awhile (6 months) until
papiao services were no longer free.
So that is also when we stopped with all of this stuff concerning m3u and outside sources of content, as it was in conflict with papaio's 'paid' service.
It is not hard to understand that
So at that time is when I removed and/or deleted the said content from iptvTalk.
This has been what I been trying to say or hint to you guys

... while the 'hacking' thing from awhile ago was never the underling reason.
The Papiao thing was and is.