TV Guide (EPG) for US, UK, Canada and Latin American channels

I can't load the guide. When I go to the url on my phone or computer it shws the coding for the guide. But when I go to kodi it says cannot load guide. If I go into the android browser on my box I also can't load the url.

It redirects to a gethub address, like on my other devices, but never loads passed that.

Is the server blocking me or something? I cleared cache, restarted my android box, and Internet and still the same thing
It should redirect to the Github address. That is where the guide is hosted. The guide is loading on my Kodi this morning, so I'm not sure about your issue. Did you clear guide and channel data and let them reload?
Good morning,
I used viper8690's great source code to create my own EPG adding some latin american channels. My version have channels from:
US: DirectTV New York (218 channels)
UK: Sky Ireland and (118 channels)
Latin America: Dish (96 channels)
Canada: Bell (35 channels)

It updates everyday at 00:00 and contain the TV Guide for the next 48 hours.
I am using Schedules Direct Service and I did pay for a subscription, if anybody want that I add a channel to the guide just let me know.
Donations are welcome :)

If there any bug or something is not working properly let me know and I will try to fix it, It my first time with python but i will do my best.


On your stalker client:
Preference: Prefer XMLTV
Cache guide data: on
Cache time (hours): 48
Scope: Remote URL
Remote URL:

EPG [COLOR=#333333]Url: [/COLOR][URL=""][/URL]

*I created a new thread because i can't edit the title to modify the text and add Canada, the older thread can be deleted.
What can I do with the link in this post? I have no idea how can I make it work with my kodi.
Any help appreciated, maybe a tutorial or so...