Rocket Totally lost : Need help configuring Stalker Client with IPTVRocket

Help for Rocket IPTV Server.


New member
Apr 29, 2016
Yes I do
I bought a rocket donation. I installed Kodi 16.1 Jarvis and I loaded the latest "" and configured the Stalker Client NFPS
I filled the Stalker settings as below :

Active Portal : IPTVRocket (from the drop-down list)
Server # : 11 (as per my donation : IPTV PORTAL:
MAC Address : 2Z:Y3:F6 ( used the last 6 digits of my wifi dongle mac address i.e. C8:D7:19:2Z:Y3:F6 (fake addy used for example))
Time Zone : Eastern US (should I leave this blank ?)
Donation : 84********* (12 digit username and password)
XML file : 72 hours

I then went into
and I changed my IPTV Mac address to 00:1A:78:2Z:Y3:F6 ( First 3 pairs "00:1A:78" as per and the last 3 pairs "2Z:Y3:F6" from my dongle mac address)

I went into TV Settings in Kodi and tried enabling but keep getting Stalker Client authentication failed - Retrying. I hit the "Clear Data" and re-enabling and disabling several times with same results.

I tried changing the mac address to C8:D7:19:2Z:Y3:F6 (my wifi dongle mac address but the wouldnt let me change it.

I then hit IPTV reset and tried reentering the MAC but it wont let me update it to C8:D7:19:2Z:Y3:F6.

I have tried several times but cannot connect, my donation is active and 360 days remaining.

I am new to Kodi and IPTV and watched some youtube videos which seemed simple. Lot of information is available for various boxes including android boxes in this forum but I was unable to find a tutorial for setting up latest pvr stalker on Kodi 16 using Windows.

I thought my MAC was hijacked after reading the thread "Preventing your MAC from being hijacked " but I couldnt find the settings in the pvr stalker to key in the following information below :

1. You will need to go to your portal configuration in the Stalker client that you are using.
2. Enable sending of the serial number.
3. Enable custom serial number.
4. Enter a serial number of your choosing
5. Enter a number for Device 1.
6. Enter a number for Device 2.
7. Enter a number for your signature.

Totally frustrated with all the reading and getting nowhere I thought I should seek help before I go nuts.. anybody who is familiar with my issue appreciate any help.
Use the tutorials in the stickied threads in the Kodi Discussion area for the PVR Stalker. If you are using a tutorial that isn't stickied, it's suspect.
Thanks Dara, I uninstalled the Kodi and did a fresh install suspecting that it might have been corrupt. I didnot install pvr.stalker.nfps but decided to use the inbuilt PVR stalker.
I have read your tutorials but still keep getting authentication failed. Is there a Kodi 16 tutorial you can point me to ?

I wanted to see how the iptv thing works before jumping into buying an iptv or android box. After this experience I am seriously having second thoughts.

Thanks for your help.

FINALLY got over the authentication error, changed my MAC address to some random #s and it worked.

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