So after doing a factory reset on my T6,i have finally got my sat settings and server back in,which proved to be a chore until i was eventually able to get into search
my details and my server info had been changed from on my original order.not sure why ?
Anyway i followed the link for the modified stalker and do i have to put the file onto a usb to put into my T6 box plus do i have to put IVUE in it first or dosen't it matter in which order i do it ? .........I now understand it comes with epg ninja,if i figure the other out.
I have kodi 14.2 and no no stalker,it is not recommended to just upgrade from what i have read,and all the directions and readings on this forum does nothing to help a person get stalker onto my T6 box.I think i've read every thread at least once.
I read things like from Dara,who for the most applications is a godsend but for me download client and do this and that,but HOW about the basics namely HOW do i get it from my computer to the T6 ? then you get to the end and it says must have at least KODI i've wasted yet another bunch of time.
My questions may to most seem dumb but i have reset my box to factory 3 times now through following wrong direction and it's a complete pain in the a$$ with running IKS too.Is there anyone with a T6 that has had the same problem available or do i just have to wait on a new file release in hopes pvr stalker is in it.