Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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I don't understand.. One minute it works, until you turn off the android box, then you turn the box back on, the channels won't load, with the same MAC address, that was just loading before I turned it off.. I tried about 50 different new MACs, it doesn't work. I tried to make it work with simple client, but that never worked for me.. Im feeling sad. I love how the epg looks... lol

I came in here looking to see if someone else was having this problem I have a android box G8 and stalker keep saying fail cannot load channels. I double check the configure ip address and the mac address and all is good. but I did notice something when I first got the last 3 items for the mac address it was not the same when I double check the MAC was different.
That is not true! Most of the third party vendors that sell on Amazon have been pre-loading M8's Mx's & other devices with XBMC & now Kodi for over a year!! My issue is that I can get epg on ftv/guide ivue & simple client pvr....just trying to figure out why it won't work for this pvr application! It loads perfectly with the channels & new logos fine!
This is very nice when it works. If you turn your box off you get errors when turning it back on. I'm using it on windows (x64). While this looks better and video loads smoother than simple client, the load time in simple client is much faster.

Is there a particular reason the pcr client shows that it is importing guide data for every channel when using the link for English only? I have also run my own locally but the client doesn't see the majority of the UK channels even though they are in the xml file.

You did a very good job (all involved) in this project.
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ok... finally got the epg to load! Now I notice on the top of my screen a pop up message that says channel group! It only goes away when I don't have full screen! Anyone else having this issue...did not have this when i did not have the epg????
Been gone for a minute...
1st I got Kodi 15, the zip for newest version of stalker client .08. Should the EPG load automatically or am I missing something?

Windows 64bit...

It should, but if it doesn't, turn off Live TV, reset both PVR and Guide, check the settings again, then start Live TV. There may be some lag between the github and you, so it maybe best to actually download the guide from github and connect to it locally.
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It should, but if it doesn't, turn off Live TV, reset both PVR and Guide, check the settings again, then start Live TV. There may be some lag between the github and you, so it maybe best to actually download the guide from github and connect to it locally.

EPG blank, channels work, I see loading epg, but no luck...? is I dont see an option to use pyscons new guide
should this be used instead of 1.iptvprivate etc... or this is pertaining to the stalker addon?
In the Settings - Stalker Client, you enter the guide under XMLTV, selecting "Remote Path, and entering the Remote URL as
Code:  (full guide)or (english guide)

I currently don't see dummy entries coming though, but the rest of the guide populates.
In the Settings - Stalker Client, you enter the guide under XMLTV, selecting "Remote Path, and entering the Remote URL as
Code:  (full guide)or (english guide)

I currently don't see dummy entries coming though, but the rest of the guide populates.

Thanks Dara got it, didnt see the scroll bar, rookie mistake... Guess to much smoke!!! All the colors nice work guys.
Whats next? I guess I'll have to stay tuned...
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