Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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this is actually a thread hi-jack, has nothing to do with OP's question..this means start a new thread for a new answer you, you have to take what the server is offering at the present time, expect more HD when it goes fully up as the expense of HD is great and this service is totally free right now while in test mode, thks

Hi U all,
I installed the modded Kodi[with stalker] on two different devices:
1.On my new Xperia z3-works!
2.On my old tronsmart mk 908 II[finless bob rom 1.6].Kinda works.Aka only the Romanian ch. are there something special with these streams?
I updated file....still ony romanian channels are working.
Any ideas??
10X in advance,
Edit:works on a windows vista acer laptop too...
Edit:Quality is sd or below.Some ch. are streamed in the OLD 4:3 format...
edit:no 5.1 audio...
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unsure why you are having issues on your mk908.. could be your Kodi install, or your ROM. I have no issues on a CS918 which uses the same chipset.. The current version does have issues with missing, or unable to play certain channels, which is likely to be resolved in the next version. You should be able to watch much more than the romanian channels though.

channel quality / Aspect / 5.1 audio is not limited by the plugin. That is simply what the server is broadcasting. The plugin itself works just fine with HD streams with 5.1 audio. as Kodi can handle nearly any type of stream. In layman's terms The plugin doesn't play the stream, Kodi Does, the plugin merely tells Kodi what/where to play it from.
Thank you!
How does Kodi run on your CS918??Aka how good is hardware acceleration when playing huge mkv files?
On my device-mk 908 II-only SPMC runs smooth.
I installed Kodi just for testing stalker plugin...
Edit:mk 908 is overclocked,both ram and cpu,using 1080 kernels...
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Kodi, and to stay on topic, Stalker plugin run just fine on my CS918. I had an mk808 before and finless roms were always flakey for me. try a stock rom and dont overclock, the device will more likely perform as it was meant to.
Channels hosted outside Main NFPS Server working. All the Channels on Main NFPS are Down. Fox Sport 1 is on Main Server is down, Fox Sport 2 outside is working. (And so on)
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I am running Kodi 14.2. I have installed IPTV Simple Client, Stalker Client, and NextPVR Client. NextPVR runs fine under Windows, but will not display channels in Kodi unless I disable Stalker Client. I must run one or the other.
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