Stalker Client PVR Add-on Release Thread

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Its was my mac address, I was following the instructions on soloman on youtube, and I see the error in his video. I should have been following the instructions on here, all the channels seem to work now.

I did the same thing...followed soloman's mac address and server on my 8.1 PC It worked for 20 minutes but then stopped. I've been farting around with my mac address and server name for hours... not really sure what I am doing wrong...any help?? The "TV" thing from the home page is now gone. I've uninstalled the stalker client, reinstalled....NOTHING!!
I have tried to get this to work and can't. I downloaded the pvr stalker client but when I click on the install from zip file and go to where I saved it there is nothing in the folder. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
After using this throughout the weekend, I thought I'd share it.

It's a very roughly implemented client for the stalker middleware api. Just enough effort was put into it to watch tv, so that I don't have to use the emulator or get a mag box prematurely.

Note-1: this is only available for windows and android at the moment.
Note-2: the current testing server is the only one I've tried with this. It should work with other stalker servers but it probably won't as I don't know of any others.
Note-3: the add-on may be unstable, so don't expect much of it.
Note-4: this is not an emulator. only the servers it's been tested with will work. pm me if you know of other stalker iptv services. I might look into them.
Note-5: tested on Kodi 14.1. should work on anything Kodi 14.x

Download the appropriate zip file:
win32 = windows
android-arm = phones and most boxes <- get this if you're not sure
android-x86 = intel based boxes

uninstall old version first
1. disable it
2. uninstall it
3. restart kodi

1. You can use the usual method of "Install from zip file" to install the addon
2. Enable live tv/pvr under Settings -> Live TV -> General
3. Enable the "Stalker Client" pvr add-on and set the MAC (see here) and server address like you would with the emulator
4. Restart Kodi and verify that that the addon is enabled. If it works for you, you should get something like this

A: I don't have any interest in VOD right now. also, there isn't a sensible subsection to list VOD under the TV section of kodi, so another addon may make more sense.

Q: os x? linux, raspberry pi etc?
A: just windows and android for now. let's see how things go first

Q: I get a "Couldn't load Dll" error on android. What's wrong?
A: filesystem permissions may most likely be preventing kodi from loading the addon from the external storage. I did not have this problem with the nexus 5 (kitkat; stock; no-root), but the nexus player gave me this error. this seems to be so for lollipop. you can try the modified apk that includes the addon. see the bottom of this post.

All I see is "Working...". What's wrong?
(1) the channel(s) is down
(2) the authentication expired or got invalidated. so, restart kodi
(3) someone else shares your creative mind and somehow uses the same mac address as you. thus (2) happens, so change the mac address and restart kodi
(4) you are using more than one device configured with the same mac address. this won't work. you have to use a different mac address for each device. otherwise one device will invalidate the other. again like (2). (the portal may be tracking IPs as well but idk)
(5) check that the stb emulator or your mag box is working. if that doesn't work, this won't either
(6) still no go? uninstall the addon. restart kodi. install it again
(7) some other weirdness is happening. in that case post your kodi.log on pastebin or similar and link it in your reply here

what's new
- gui error notifications
- additional channels
- better combatitility in some areas
- stability fixes

modified apks that include the stalker addon
you need to uninstall your current kodi install first (remember to backup your user data first so that you don't have to reconfigure kodi from scratch)
Will this work with Kodi 14.2 the latest file Thanks martys
Hello, I'm getting Stalker Client Failed to Startup Error.


18:47:30 T:6916  NOTICE: Thread PVRManager start, auto delete: false
18:47:30 T:2572  NOTICE: Thread PVRClient start, auto delete: false
18:47:30 T:2572   ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: token:
18:47:30 T:2572   ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: failed to resolve host
18:47:30 T:2572   ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: HTTPSocket::Execute: failed to open socket
18:47:30 T:2572   ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: SAPI::Init: api init failed
18:47:30 T:2572   ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: failed to init api

Did you change your MAC in the configuration --- just the last six digits?

Oops! I see you already got the problem soved. Good Job :)
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