the links for kody are not working where can i get a working kodi file?
I checked the ARM link for the Kodi install, and it works.
the links for kody are not working where can i get a working kodi file?
There is no kodi there
I don't know about you, but the link works. Two guys checking it should be enough confirmation. By the way, you need to copy and paste the link to your browser to get the downloadable Kodi.
Which device do you have? So I can give you the right one.
So I installed this plugin on my existing Kodi install and it DOES work, however very often (almost always), when I click a channel, it says working... and then does nothing and I have to keep trying over and over until it either works or I give up. Occasionally it will just work on first try but not usually. It does this for pretty much every channel.
Anyone have any ideas? I've read the first post but none of the suggestions for troubleshooting the working seem appropriate because like I said, it DOES work after repeated trys sometimes.
Ok, Ive checked the first post, checked my MAC address, checked the server address, all that seems to be good. What am I doing wrong?
FATSACAT, how did you get it working?
Thanks in advance
Thanks Fatsaycat, I got it working on a different machine (same operating system, Windows 7) but I only changed the last Mac digit to "1" (advice from a different forum) not sure why, but that worked, and I haven't messed with it since to try to see what else works.The problem I had was that I was only adding the last 3 set of numbers from my mac and nothing else. Got it to working by keeping the first part of what was there and adding my 3 sets where the :00:00:00 was. Also, if you have other pvr clients installed, you have to disable them. Worked for me.