Salts strean all the sources

floder2 who? thanks for your patience if I knew what the hell I was doing I would be one dangerus man!
I still got problems http://[B]meiarepos[/B].net/kodistuff/ just like you got it also http:// --for adults for exodus goliath--http://muckys.mediaportal4kodiml/--for MD and last URL.
Now here is the problem-when I go to stream all the sources it says URL resolver failed to load.---and when I go to MD wizard, install all fixes available-I get MD wizard error so I can't
unblock Primewire, Salts, etc. what the hell am I doing wrong????

You have ..spelled wrong..............

this is correct
OK, I got the spelling right and you see the rest of them so I guess they are ok.
I have smash repo 1.1.5 and Stream all the sources K313vra 2.0.195--I hope this is right but it can't be because it still does not work!
is what I have up there not right?? hell I will read anything to get this working again. Thanks for your help!
I uninstalled all of stream all the sources and the MD. I am going to reinstall the both is there anything
other I should do????
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