To all the mods that replied, it is a new service and is in beta testing mode that is understood but this type of service and equipment is also new and in beta testing with the viewers also. I for one, didn't realize that if channels even showed that the server was active. For a few days, every channel I tried did not work, I fully admit that I did not try all channels, only a few of my favorites. I now know that some channels working, some not is to be expected for a while.
As for the server up/down thread, it seems pretty useless if its purpose is to only report if the server is actually up and running. A server that is up and running but not doing any actual serving is down for all practical purposes. Likewise, a server that is up but totally overloaded and unable to respond in a timely manner is also down for practical purposes, that was the case in recent times with IKS. Hopefully, the persons responsible for the server do not need to be told if it is up or down.
Perhaps instead of being titled and used for server up/down reporting the better function would be to report quality of service. When I noticed the US channels down for the last few days, and being new to the equipment and service, I first wondered if it was something in my setup. Next, I went to this forum, looked around in announcements, and searched recent posts to see if others were reporting the US channels down, no announcement, no post at the time confirming US channels down. THAT would be usefull information and prevent a lot of useless posts.
As BIO said earlier in this thread "You can waste as much time as you want posting, but the server techs know already what channels are there" Would it be all that difficult to make a short post in the announcement section when channels are down for days so users don't have to be left in the dark wondering if its on their end or the server end? It wouldn't take any longer than posts in this thread did and would serve a very useful purpose as well as saving a lot of unnecessary posts.
Lastly, so far I am very impressed with the new service and equipment in these early stages.