ok from here on we are only talking about and working with the ivue plugin (do not touch the stalker one) so install 6.0.24 ivue addon once installed bring up the context box click on addon settings u should see that it says, source...apperance and a few other things then below source it will say xmltv type now click on that,a box will open and go down to the one that says tecbox stalker iptv and click on that one the name tecbox iptv stalker should apper next to the were it says xmltv type....(if it does not repeat until it does)when it does click ok.now back out to the main page and go to programs and open the ivue guide and let it load once its loaded click on the first channel. here you may get a box that opens that shows different addons to chose from always chose iptv stalker (then it will use that addon for now on ok.(that box may open when you try different channels and there is more then one addon that you can watch the channel from always chose iptv stalker)