NFPS / Private Refund Possible?

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
You know how it goes, depends the day and the time ... so watch your live tv when everyone is sleeping... LOL

I am getting used to the brutal buffering attacks .. so I switch out to watching Dragon Ball Z episodes and pretend I am a tween all over again. Hell I bet I could find some episodes of Space 1999 on there somewhere.
I bought 6 months of a true premium service in hopes that in that time, they get this product sorted out. Constant freezes with NFPS channels. Most of them anyways. Almost zero buffers with the other real premium service. Cost me more, but gave me my sanity back!! Hopefuly NFPS gets things worked out in the next few months. Or even year when I have to renew or not.
have been watching various HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc. since the last complaining posts, have not had a single freeze, glitch or prob. Checked out some of the ppv movies for a short time and also the vod with the same results. I use DSL for internet and my d/l speed is 10Mbps but it is always consistent, thks..