check your messages Farmer. I have a solution you might like![]()
Just answered you.
check your messages Farmer. I have a solution you might like![]()
Between crazed and myself we have come to a solution to my brain fart.
we have decide to give the x5 to xayoz because he/she should have been the original winner
To duhhud because I had announced him/her as the winner by mistake will receive a e5
I am hoping that is a satisfactory this is a satisfactory solution.
Again I apologize brain fart senior moment or what ever you may want to call it.
Hope you all enjoyed the raffle.
Merry Christmas to everyone have a blessed season.
sorry, missed some messages. I was actually going to donate it back for another contest anyway. I truly appreciate it, but feel free to award or recontest as you see fit. It was a super fun contest and look forward to whatever the next is.
thanks again to NBS, Buzz, Farmer and all