POTATO TV (IPTV Stalker addon)

Potato TV


As the picture says, this is my new addon used as a client for the PAPIAO 's IPTV STALKER

For now, the addon supports the latest available IPTV portals :

  • s1.iptv66.tv
  • p1.iptvrocket.tv
  • p1.iptvprivateserver.tv
  • p2.iptvprivateserver.tv

And it also suports 2 type of user accounts:

  • "MAC & Donation" (portal) based accounts
  • "Donation Only" based accounts (MAC = 00:00:00:00:00:00)

My addon has a feature to detect the exact type of your account automatically,
hence you don't have to mess with your account (leave it as it is)

My addon also has a feature as an M3U playlist generator,
It will rebuild, fix & sync. the playlist with any available XMLTV files (credits to viper8690 & PACh)
then it will run the PVR Simple Client 's settings automatically






1. The released addon is a LITE-VERSION one.
Thus, it DOES NOT have any extra features, such as addon's EMBEDDED EPG & RECORDING
But you can still have the EPG by generating the PVR Simple Client configuration

2. VOD channels now are also supported and playable too since v1.0.4 / v1.0.4-r2


3. For any users who have MAC based accounts:
The best way to run the PVR Simple Client is by choosing the DYNAMIC LINKS as the playlist reference
The addon will run as a web server (gateway), so the IPTV portal session's token will be re-updated automatically

4. The addon has only been tested with Kodi Jarvis (I hate Krypton), with the default skin (CONFLUENCE)



DOWNLOAD (Last Update: v1.1.0-r2 (2017/05/01) with COLOR EPG !

You can get the addon from my repository:




Settings | Add-ons | Install from repository | -->
couch potato Repository | Video add-ons | Potato TV



couch potato

Thanks for reading my thread

See you...

[mod edit] Please read this about MAC AND DONATION BASED vs. DONATION BASED Accounts:
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Works, but the categories (genres) for IPTV aren't bringing up the right channels... should be an easy fix as they are just one down. I'd like an ALL genre as well.
Thanks Couch Potato..............I'm using it on Kodi 16.1 ..........with linked Mac (NFPS) .......channels work but after a few seconds ...sound stops and the video slows up some...tried many channels all seem to do the same thing......Vod shows up but won't show video........................Anything I may be missing....to tweak this addon or something in Kodi it's self
potato tv... i like that :)

fantastic stuff couch potato

hahaha... I do love the sound taa-too-tee :D
thanks for letting me use the name mate

I haven't been migrated yet, but will give it a try once I'm over yonder. As always, thanks for the creativeness!

enjoy mate
please send a report if you find any bug/issue

Works, but the categories (genres) for IPTV aren't bringing up the right channels... should be an easy fix as they are just one down. I'd like an ALL genre as well.

how are you mate? :)

thanks for the report

btw, which type of acc. are you using now?

I've just tested it with 2 different acc:

1. NFPS : MAC based
2. IKS : donation

1. with the MAC based acc (NFPS), I haven't found any issue yet
all the genres match with their channels
and the language filter also works well

2. with the DONATION based acc.
all the genres also match with their channels
but the language filter doesn't run properly

fyi, I'm using the channel # as filter reference based on MAC based acc. (action=get_all_channels)
and I made the addon to detect any channel numbers which is greater than 640 as foreign channels (#644 = "Murcia TV 7")

and I forgot that the DONATION based acc & MAC based ones use different numbering system

I will fix it in my next release
but you can also change the value by yourself... it's in the "stalker.py" line #38

Thanks Couch Potato..............I'm using it on Kodi 16.1 ..........with linked Mac (NFPS) .......channels work but after a few seconds ...sound stops and the video slows up some...tried many channels all seem to do the same thing......Vod shows up but won't show video........................Anything I may be missing....to tweak this addon or something in Kodi it's self

sorry mate I don't have that kind of issue

maybe the issue was on your client side (video acceleration, kodi's buffering/cache, etc)
or the worst might be on the server side due to portal migration
I don't think it has been tested with K17 yet (i.e., Couch Potato hasn't...I'm not sure what Dara was using), but I have a feeling it would work. Install it and see. The worst that will happen is it will not install or it will not launch. If launch failure occurs, you could simply uninstall it.
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Maybe this should become a sticky, as it will be a record of the bug reports, workarounds, fixes, and new versions.

It already was a sticky. I think crazed did it.

For couch potato, the account I used is an admin test account, so it may not be a good test case. I'll try it out on a real rocket.
4wheelin did it... I was a bit tippsy early this morning or last night when this was posted and did not wanna mess it up, so 4wheelin was online and he had already had the thought in mind, I just pushed him :)

Maybe this should become a sticky, as it will be a record of the bug reports, workarounds, fixes, and new versions.

4wheelin did it... I was a bit tippsy early this morning or last night when this was posted and did not wanna mess it up, so 4wheelin was online and he had already had the thought in mind, I just pushed him :)

Thanks for the stiky mates :)

it really helps me to read any reports for solving all the related issues

Does this addon work on Kodi 17.1?

I don't think it has been tested with K17 yet (i.e., Couch Potato hasn't...I'm not sure what Dara was using), but I have a feeling it would work. Install it and see. The worst that will happen is it will not install or it will not launch. If launch failure occurs, you could simply uninstall it.

Works perfect on kodi 17 even the epg with simple client nice work

just for my curiosity, I installed the krypton for testing my addon

and... Taddaaaa!!! it works!


For couch potato, the account I used is an admin test account, so it may not be a good test case. I'll try it out on a real rocket.

you may try my new release (v1.0.1)
i have made some changes with the codes, most of them are related to the donation based account

No vod but heck its working on all channels with epg.

I've already meantioned the issue in my notes #2

sorry I can't fix it since it's related to the server side which is beyond my control
a new release

v1.0.1 (2017/03/27)

- Fix some issues related with "Donation Based" accounts:
	- Add 'ALL' item for the genre options
	- Redefine the channel numbering (all foreign channels numbers are started with 5000)
	- Fix language filter

- Add adult contents filtering for M3U playlist

- Create custom list file for any available portals
The list can be customized by editing the 'Kodi/addons/plugin.video.potatoTV/resources/portals.list'

- Fix few minor issues

download link is on the first page
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