if some of the channels have BLACK OR GRAY bars on the top and bottom and that's what your saying is the problem that's the format of the movie if i am not mistaking .....Are your other channels ok. Like is A&E or ABC or news stations are they ok?
if some of the channels have BLACK OR GRAY bars on the top and bottom and that's what your saying is the problem that's the format of the movie if i am not mistaking .....Are your other channels ok. Like is A&E or ABC or news stations are they ok?
ok then..if in the box under advanced setting under picture mod you have it set to auto all ready then it is in your tv setting on your tv that you will have to adjust.good luck
why they didnt you do what NBS said on post 8 i think and that why i ask dumb question too all of this could have been over with but you learned something thats big thing
in screen resolution settings turn on autoswitch to best resolution
you didnt answer the question on whether or not you were using a receiver or straight to tv
there are a bunch of audio settings
and now for your sound you said to the tv then to a sound bar.
if your sound bar has HDMI in and out this is what i would do
HDMI to sound bar then HDMI to tv and only use sound through sound bar and here is how to set the volume. put it on a good channel
and with your buzz box REMOTE use your volume button on it and set it to half THEN with your sound bar REMOTE start
turning it up to the volume you want THEN ONLY USE THE BUZZ BOX REMOTE FOR VOLUME turn the tv volume right down..
if you have a cable box as well to your tv then we will need to set it up different.
Any one that puts it on the channel you are talking about have the black bars on the top and bottom unless they stretch it or zoom it .On your tv setting you have zoom and do you have one that says just put it on just or try 16.9 and i'm am talking about your tv..
I.M.O. it as nothing to do with your resolution setting put that on auto on your buzz box.because it's only a bad picture on the movie channels were the BLACK BARS are two big and making your picture squished and like i said in my first post movies come in different formats... also on your buzz box under advance setting at the bottom under picture put it to auto..
and you did say that it is only the other channels are good and the picture is good right?
and what kind of tv (name)