see paypal give me the willies but in all fairness if no info you should be ok but ebay has info and c/c too or is this all different ? can you elaborate more on this please
So eBay and PayPal Both Have Your Personal Information...?!?
You are not buying IPTV in Ebay, who ever selects bitcoin mining, what you're doing is paying a miner thru ebay, he doesn't know to who hes sending those bitcoins, neither does Paypal or ebay.... only you, paying a miner of bitcoin whos gonna send a payment in your behalf.
Thats why BTC is really good.
Good BTC transaction was completed July 3rd, but sill no updates. Not too sure BTC was a good idea. And I cant get any answers about it.
funny no one can answer the question how is this done without giving info