IPTV66 Help here!
IPTV has been through a lot of loops changes over the last few weeks, normally when I have paid a donation its under 30 Minutes before I get donation code maybe just lucky, I have no idea if Crazed 2.0 Requested you to PM him or not, I CAN SAY that his help and assistance with my problem was second to none:D
I've had nothing but problems since I got them subscription two days ago I have tried every single method to try to get it to work and nothing works every time it says authorization failed I have sent multiple emails with no response from anyone.
turkeybeaver, I have no messages from you. I went back as far as last Monday and that was approx 400 messages, but did not see one from you.
Please send me one now , include order number and email used, thnx
I will be here a few more hours

Cambell, I am looking into yours now.
And I did send Cambell a return message couple hours ago.

I was a little late but I needed my beauty sleep :)
Check your messages Cambell, your route is there waiting bro.

Send me another PM if you do not see it.
Thanks for the reply crazed 2.0, what is the email I should write to, I used the "contact us" button on the iptv66 homepage before, but you say you aren't getting those. Can you please provide me with how to get you the information you requested
turkeybeaver, most of your concerns can be answered in these forums. I can not help with Kodi or Stalker client concerns in messages or I would never keep up.