I get -
Hmm, we can't reach this page.
Try this
Make sure you’ve got the right web address: http://p1.iptvrocket.tv
Change your DNS in your router to the or the This will let your box use these DNS's and you may get the box to start playing. Blocking us usually a function of the DNS not replying with the isp you need. The DNS locations I listed belong to Google and were sometimes encouraged to use in IKS because of a faster responce time than the local servers, which probably were sharing with other sites and causing more hops, which was a time factor in IKS.
I have been having the same problem with my Avakn box since three weeks ago.. I brought a new box it's not working I switch over to new box is not working... Change so many URL not working... Now they said your box is block.. Can someone help me I'm so tired of this.
I get the message "Site with a blue back drop the states "Your STB is not supported" in other words a Live Site. Apparently unblocked, but when I try to access rocket everything comes up "Server unavailable"
What is the fix for that or do I need to start a new thread?
p1.iptvrocket.tv URL Block BY ISP. IP address change is required to clear and only last 1-2 days. Can Rocket Help us On this issue ????